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A unique, virtually unprecedented work which allows users rapidly and accurately to identify or describe particular species. It presents full descriptions of the major anatomical features of different invertebrate groups, as well as definitions of the terms used to describe significant variations of these features. Covering 77 living invertebrate taxa - most on a phylum or class level - this glossary contains more than 10,000 entries, with 1,100 figures compiled in 79 full-page illustrations.
Systematic Section; Placozoa; Mesozoa; Porifera; Cnidaria; Ctenophora; Platyhelminthes; Gnathostomulida; Nemertini; Entoprocta (Kamptozoa); Gastrotricha; Nematoda; Nematomorpha; Kinorhyncha; Loricifera; Priapulida; Rotatoria (Rotifera); Acanthocephala; Echiurida; Sipunculida; Mollusca; Annelida; Onychophora; Tardigrada; Arthropoda; Pentastomida; Lophophorata (Tentaculata); Chaetognatha; Echinodermata; Pterobranchia; Enteropneusta; Pogonophora; Tunicata (Urochordata); Acrania (Cephalochordata).
Customer Reviews
Edited By: M Stachowitsch
676 pages, Line illus
...a must not only for teachers in biology, but also for researchers in related fields like paleontology and ecology... (Marine Pollution Bulletin, Vol. 42, No. 9, 2001)