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The Lichen Family Graphidaceae in Australia

Identification Key Monograph
Series: Bibliotheca Lichenologica Volume: 94
By: Alan W Archer(Author)
191 pages, 22 plates with 135 b/w photos; 1 b/w map
The Lichen Family Graphidaceae in Australia
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  • The Lichen Family Graphidaceae in Australia ISBN: 9783443580735 Paperback Dec 2006 In stock
Price: £86.99
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About this book

An account is given of the lichen family Graphidaceae in Australia. The morphology, chemistry and history of the family in Australia are discussed.

Sixteen genera containing 129 taxa, including 127 species and two varieties, are reported, distributed as follows: Acanthothecis Clem., 3 species; Carbacanthographis Staiger & Kalb, 2 species; Diorygma Eschw., 8 species; Dyplolabia A. Massal., 1 species; Fissurina Fée,10 species; Glyphis Ach., 3 species; Graphis Adans., 54 species; Hemithecium Trevis., 8 species; Leiorreuma Eschw., 4 species; Phaeographis Mull. Arg., 19 species; Platygramme Fee, 8 species; Platythecium Staiger, 1 species; Sarcographa Fee, 4 species; Sarcographina Müll. Arg., 1 species; Thalloloma Trevis., 1 species and Thecaria Fée, 2 species.

The synonymy, chemistry, distribution and ecology of each species are reported. The majority of species (87%) either lack lichen compounds (43%) or contain norstictic (26%) or stictic (18%) acids. Twelve other lichen compounds occur less frequently.

No new species are described but new synonymies and a new combination are reported:
- Diorygma erythrellum (Mont. & Bosch) Kalb, Staiger & Elix = Graphina rubens Müll. Arg.
- Fissurina elixii (A.W. Archer) A.W. Archer = Fissurina paradoxica (A.W. Archer) A.W. Archer
- Graphis duplicata Ach. = Graphis leptoclada and G. schizograpta Müll. Arg.
- Graphis glaucescens Fée = Graphis epimelaena Müll. Arg, G. sayeri Müll. Arg. and G. xanthospora Müll. Arg.
- Graphis striatula (Ach.) Spreng. = Graphis rimulosa var. brachycarpa Müll. Arg.
- Graphis tenella Ach. = Graphis subtenella Müll. Arg
- Phaeographis atromaculata (A.W. Archer ) A.W. Archer = Phaeographis kalbii Staiger
- P. brasiliensis (A. Massal.) Kalb & Matthes-Leicht = Phaeographis subtigrina (Vain.) Zahlbr.
- P. inusta (Ach.) Müll. Arg. = Phaeographis elaeina Müll. Arg. and P. subintricata Müll. Arg.
- Phaeographis platycarpa Müll. Arg. = Phaeographis nardiensis A.W. Archer

The new combination Platygramme mucronata (Stirt.) A.W. Archer [basionym: Phaeographis mucronata (Stirt.) Zahlbr.] is made.


Summary 3

The Family Graphidaceae

1. Arrangement 6
2. Morphology 9
3. Chemistry 11
4. History in Australia 12
5. Distribution and Ecology 14

Key to Genera 15

The Genera:

1. Acanthothecis Clem. 18
2. Carbacanthographis Staiger & Kalb 20
3. Diorygma Esch. 22
4. Dyplolabia A. Massal. 32
5. Fissurina Fée 33
6. Glyphis Ach. 43
7. Graphis Adans 47
8. Hemithecium Trevis 101
9. Leiorreuma Eschw. 108
10. Phaeographis Müll. Arg. 112
11. Platygramme Fée 131
12. Platythecium Staiger 139
13. Sarcographa Fée 141
14. Sarcograhina Müll. Arg. 145
15. Thalloloma Trevis 146
16. Thecaria Fée 148

Excluded species 151
Acknowledgements 153
References 154
Illustrations 159
Taxonomic Index 183

Customer Reviews

Identification Key Monograph
Series: Bibliotheca Lichenologica Volume: 94
By: Alan W Archer(Author)
191 pages, 22 plates with 135 b/w photos; 1 b/w map
Media reviews

"The most recent addition to the series of monographs published in Bibliotheca Lichenologica series is a volume of the Graphidaceae. Despite the title, the book contains much more information for that family than from Australia, since specimens from many other areas, especially some of the Pacific islands, have also been studied; these are provided in the lists of selected specimens and include many new records compared to the recent Catalogue of the lichens of the smaller Pacific islands by ELIX & MCCARTHY (Biblioth. Lichenol. 70, 1998) for areas as Fiji, Vanuatu and especially the Solomon Islands. 129 taxa, including 127 species and two varieties, are accepted for Australia. They belong to 16 genera. No new species are described but 10 new synonymies are reported and the new combination Platygramme mucronata is made. All treated species are described in detail and special remarks are frequently added. In an appendix of 135 black-and-white photographs, most of the species treated are illustrated, and wherever possible type material was used for these photographs, as result of which 80 type specimens are illustrated.

The new book is without doubt a must for all who wish to determine lichens from Australia and adjacent areas and is a big step forward updating the knowledge of the family from this part of the world."

- International Lichenological Newsletter 39 (2), page 5

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