No comparable work exists in print which tells in such vivid detail of the 'history, mystery and magic' of this noble breed. Fully illustrated throughout with photographs, paintings, drawings, maps and calligraphy covering the period from the domestication of the horse more than 6,000 years ago and the emergence of this first distinct breed right up to the present day, The Medina Guide to the Arabian Horse is designed to excite, educate and enthrall youngsters – and will also capture their parents' enthusiasm. Fun to read, it nonetheless provides a wealth of detail about this unique breed which has millions of devotees throughout the world.
Here, in simple but unpatronising language, is the whole fascinating story, with quirky asides and quotes, fact and fiction, poetry and prose, boxes and borders. Young readers will be stirred by tales of the Bedouin and the tribal confederations, the Arabs and Crusaders, the Egyptians, Persians and Ottomans; the adventurous quest for the breed by Western travellers and the rescue of it by the Blunts; the way it flourished and spread; and its versatility – in the show ring and the field, on the racetrack and the ranch, in war and peace, as therapist and companion. The Arabian horse has for millennia inspired love and awe, art and poetry, brave deeds and derring-do – and here is the chance for children to revel in the universal story and learn with us to appreciate this miracle of nature.