Language: Bilingual in English and Polish
The present bibliography gives 369 papers published up to 1985. It includes publications of Polish authors on the slime moulds of Poland and of other countries and a few on Acrasiomycetes. The bibliography also contains mycological papers, in which the authors give the localities of Myxomycetes. Besides, papers by foreign authors concerning territories lying within the present borders of Poland. Also monographs and floristic notes are included, provided that they give the localities of slime moulds in Poland. Bibliographies, biographies of mycologists working on slime moulds, reviews, herbaria, photographs, contribute to the present form of the bibliography.
The items of bibliography are arranged according to authors' names, while the publications of a given author are ordered chronologically. All items have consecutive numbers. Bibliographical data contain the surname of the author, initial letters of his first names, the date of publication of the work, the title of the publication in Polish or in the language in which it appeared (or, in square brackets, the title translated into English), the journal or publisher, volume, number, sometimes the annual, and pages. In the case of books or series, if possible, the place of publication, the publisher and the number of pages (pp.) are given. In the case of journals and other publications appearing repeatedly abbreviations, a list of which is given separately, are used. To facilitate use of the bibliography, a subject index is included with the numbers of items concerned with a particular problem.