Explains the laws of science for science buffs and neophytes alike.
Energy and entropy in everyday terms; work and force; heat from work - the first law; the microscopic view of energy; engines and refrigerators - the second law; implications of the second law; the molecular view of entropy; why does entropy always increase?; entropy and/or information; radiant energy, black bodies, and the greenhouse effect; chemistry - diamonds, blood, iron; biology - muscles, kidneys, evolution; geology - how old is the earth?; quantum physics and the third law; relativity and the fate of the universe. Appendix: math tools.
Martin Goldstein, is former Professor of Chemistry at Yeshiva University. Inge F. Goldstein is Associate Professor of Clinical Public Health in Epidemiology, Columbia University.
Readers at all levels, from high school to professional scientists, will find something intriguing in this book...It provides a very readable and informative account of a difficult topic. Science Books and Films The strengths of [this book] are its scope and coverage and much excellent writing...It contains a rich mix of interesting ideas covering important historical events and applications of the laws of energy and entropy. -- Harvey S. Leff American Journal of Physics The writing is clear, uncluttered, insightful, and makes use of many excellent analogies to explain and clarify difficult but important concepts. Choice