The Routledge Handbook of Tourism and the Environment explores and critically evaluates the debates and controversies inherent to tourism's relationship with nature, especially pertinent at a time of major re-evaluation of our relationship with the environment as a consequence of the environmental problems we now face. It brings together leading specialists from range of disciplinary backgrounds and geographical regions, to provide state-of-the-art theoretical reflection and empirical research on this complex relationship and future direction.
The Routledge Handbook of Tourism and the Environment is divided in to five interrelated sections. Section one evaluates the philosophical basis, rationale and complexity of what is meant by the term 'environment' considering the major influences in the construction of how we understand our surroundings and the types of values we place upon them. Section two evaluates the types of eco-systems that are used as natural resources for tourism and the negative and positive impacts upon them. Section three evaluates relevant environmental policy and management mechanisms for the impacts of tourism on the natural environment. Section four focuses on the changing tourism-environment relationship, and the types of tourism that have become established in the tourism industry, market and policy. Section five, analyzes contemporary and future issues of the tourism-environment relationship, based upon themes of environmental and social welfare.
This timely book will provide an invaluable resource for all those with an interest in tourism's relationship with the natural environment, encouraging dialogue across disciplinary boundaries and areas of study. The Routledge Handbook of Tourism and the Environment is international in its focus, emphasizing that issues of tourism and the natural environment are not only localized but transcend national boundaries that sometimes require both international and global responses.
The Routledge Handbook of Tourism and the Environmentis essential reading for student, researchers and academics of Tourism as well as those of Geography, Environmental Studies and Development Studies.
Part 1: Scientific Realties and Cultural Constructs of the Environment
1. Introduction
2. The Natural Science Ontology of Environment
3. Social Science Ontology of Environment: Challenges to Human Exceptionalism
4. Religious Views of the Environment: Sanctification of Nature and Implications for Tourism
5. Tourism and Indigenous Reverence: The Possibilities for Recovery of Land and Revitalization of Life
6. 'Prophets of Nature': Romantic Ideals of Nature and their Continuing Relevance for Tourism Today
7. The Importance of the Aesthetic
8. Viewing Nature Politically
9. Using Complexity Theory to Develop Understanding of Tourism and the Environment
10. Tourism and Romantic Myths of Nature: The Evolution of a Discursive Relationship
Part 2: Eco-Systems and Impact Issues
11. Introduction
12. Nature Bites Back: Impacts of the Environment on Tourism
13. Biodiversity and Tourism
14. 'Tourism into the Wild': The Limits of Tourism in Wilderness
15. Freshwater Systems and Tourism
16. Marine Systems and Tourism
17. Mountain Environments and Tourism
18. Orchids: An Example of Charismatic Megaflora Tourism?
19. Islands Tourism
Part 3: Environmental Policy, Resource Governance and Management
20. Introduction
21. The Brundtland Report (Our Common Future) and Tourism
22. Framework Conventions for Climate Change: An Analysis of Global Framework Conventions with Reference to Resource Governance and Environmental Management Approaches in New Zealand
23. The Vulnerability of Tourism to Climate Change
24. Demand Management for the Sustainability of Tourism
25. Zoning, Land-Use Planning and Tourism
26. Protected Areas and Tourism
27. Limits of Acceptable Change and Tourism
28. Sustainable Tourism Certification
29. Lessons Learned: Knowledge Management and Tourism Development
Part 4: Terminology and Types of Tourism
30. Introduction
31. Eco-Tourism
32. Nature-Based Tourism
33. Wildlife Tourism
34. Agritourism: In Between Rural change, Tourism Restructuring and Environmental Imperatives
35. Slow Travel
36. Responsible Tourism: Whose Responsibility?
37. Pro-Poor Tourism and Local Economic Development
Part 5: Contemporary and Future Issues
38. Introduction
39. Climate Change and Tourism
40. Water and Tourism
41. Community-Based Ecotourism as Indigenous Social Entrepreneurship
42. Tourism's Wasteful Way
43. Fair Trade in Tourism - Critical Shifts and Perspectives
44. Resiliency and Uncertainty in Tourism
45. Tourism and CSR
46. Environmental Security and Tourism
47. Adaptive Co-Management: A New Frontier for Nature-Based Tourism
48. Measurement of Corporate Social Performance in Tourism
Andrew Holden is Professor in Environment and Tourism at Bedfordshire University, UK. David Fennell teaches and researches in the areas of ecotourism and tourism ethics at Brock University, St Catharines, Ontario, Canada.