Produced biennially, The World's Water is the most comprehensive and up-to-date source of information and analysis on freshwater resources. Each new volume examines critical global trends and offers the best data available on a variety of topics related to water.
Volume 8 features chapters on hydraulic fracturing (fracking), water footprints, sustainable water jobs, and desalination financing, among other timely issues. Water briefs provide concise updates on topics including the Dead-Sea and the role of water in the Syrian conflict.
The World's Water 2013-2014 is coauthored by MacArthur "genius" Peter H. Gleick and his colleagues at the world-renowned Pacific Institute. Since the first volume was published in 1998, the series has become an indispensable resource for professionals in government agencies and nongovernmental organizations, researchers, students, and anyone concerned with water and its use.
Foreword by Ismail Serageldin
Chapter 1. Global Water Governance in the Twenty-First Century \ Heather Cooley, Newsha Ajami, Mai-Lan Ha, Veena Srinivasan, Jason Morrison, Kristina Donnelly,and Juliet Christian-Smith
-Global Water Challenges
-The Emergence of Global Water Governance
Chapter 2. Two Shared Risks and Interests: The Case for Private Sector Engagement in Water Policy and Management \ Peter Schulte, Stuart Orr, and Jason Morrison
-The Business Case for Investing in Sustainable Water Management
-Utilizing Corporate Resources While Ensuring Public Interest Outcomes and Preventing Policy Capture
-Moving Forward: Unlocking Mutually Beneficial Corporate Action on Water
Chapter 3. Sustainable Water Jobs \ Eli Moore, Heather Cooley, Juliet Christian-Smith, and Kristina Donnelly
-Water Challenges in Today’s Economy
-Job Quality and Growth in Sustainable Water Occupations
Chapter 4. Hydraulic Fracturing and Water Resources: What Do We Know and Need to Know? \ Heather Cooley and Kristina Donnelly
-Overview of Hydraulic Fracturing
-Concerns Associated with Hydraulic Fracturing Operations
-Water Challenges
Chapter 5. Water Footprint \ Julian Fulton, Heather Cooley, and Peter H. Gleick
-The Water Footprint Concept
-Water, Carbon, and Ecological Footprints and Nexus Thinking
-Water Footprint Findings
Chapter 6. Key Issues for Seawater Desalination in California: Cost and Financing \ Heather Cooley and Newsha Ajami
-How Much Does Seawater Desalination Cost?
-Desalination Projects and Risk
-Case Studies
Chapter 7. Zombie Water Projects \ Peter H. Gleick, Matthew Heberger, and Kristina Donnelly
-The North American Water and Power Alliance—NAWAPA
-The Reber Plan
-Alaskan Water Shipments
-Las Vegas Valley Pipeline Project
-Diverting the Missouri River to the West
One. The Syrian Conflict and the Role of Water \ Peter H. Gleick
Two. The Red Sea–Dead Sea Project Update \ Kristina Donnelly
Three. Water and Conflict: Events, Trends, and Analysis (2011–2012) \ Peter H. Gleick and Matthew Heberger
Four. Water Conflict Chronology \ Peter H. Gleick and Matthew Heberger
Data Table 1: Total Renewable Freshwater Supply by Country (2013 Update)
Data Table 2: Freshwater Withdrawal by Country and Sector (2013 Update)
Data Table 3A: Access to Improved Drinking Water by Country, 1970–2008
Data Table 3B: Access to Improved Drinking Water by Country, 2011 Update
Data Table 4A: Access to Improved Sanitation by Country, 1970–2008
Data Table 4B: Access to Improved Sanitation by Country, 2011 Update
Data Table 5: MDG Progress on Access to Safe Drinking Water by Region
Data Table 6: MDG Progress on Access to Sanitation by Region
Data Table 7: Monthly Natural Runoff for the World’s Major River Basins, by Flow Volume
Data Table 8: Monthly Natural Runoff for the World’s Major River Basins, by Basin Name
Data Table 9: Area Equipped for Irrigation Actually Irrigated
Data Table 10: Overseas Development Assistance for Water Supply and Sanitation, by Donating Country, 2004–2011
Data Table 11: Overseas Development Assistance for Water Supply and Sanitation, by Subsector, 2007–2011
Data Table 12: Per Capita Water Footprint of National Consumption, by Country, 1996–2005
Data Table 13: Per Capita Water Footprint of National Consumption, by Sector and Country, 1996–2005
Data Table 14: Total Water Footprint of National Consumption, by Country, 1996–2005
Data Table 15: Total Water Footprint of National Consumption, by Sector and Country, 1996–2005
Data Table 16A: Global Cholera Cases Reported to the World Health Organization, by Country, 1949–1979
Data Table 16B: Global Cholera Cases Reported to the World Health Organization, by Country, 1980–2011
Data Table 17A: Global Cholera Deaths Reported to the World Health Organization, by Country, 1949–1979
Data Table 17B: Global Cholera Deaths Reported to the World Health Organization, by Country, 1980–2011
Data Table 18A: Perceived Satisfaction with Water Quality in Sub-Saharan Africa
Data Table 18B: Regional Assessment of Satisfaction with Water (and Air) Quality
Data Table 18C: Countries Most and Least Satisfied with Water Quality
Volume 1: The World’s Water 1998–1999: The Biennial Report on Freshwater Resources
Volume 2: The World’s Water 2000–2001: The Biennial Report on Freshwater Resources
Volume 3: The World’s Water 2002–2003: The Biennial Report on Freshwater Resources
Volume 4: The World’s Water 2004–2005: The Biennial Report on Freshwater Resources
Volume 5: The World’s Water 2006–2007: The Biennial Report on Freshwater Resources
Volume 6: The World’s Water 2008–2009: The Biennial Report on Freshwater Resources
Volume 7: The World’s Water, Volume 7: The Biennial Report on Freshwater Resources
Volume 8: The World’s Water, Volume 8: The Biennial Report on Freshwater Resources
Peter H. Gleick is President of the Pacific Institute for Studies in Development, Environment, and Security in Oakland, California, and is a recipient of the prestigious MacArthur Fellowship for his work on water issues.