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This Sacred Earth Religion, Nature, Environment

Edited By: Roger Gottlieb
762 pages, no illustrations
Publisher: Routledge
This Sacred Earth
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  • This Sacred Earth ISBN: 9780415943604 Edition: 2 Paperback Nov 2003 Not in stock: Usually dispatched within 1 week
  • This Sacred Earth ISBN: 9780415943598 Edition: 2 Hardback Nov 2003 Not in stock: Usually dispatched within 1-2 weeks
Selected version: £47.99
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About this book

Surveys traditional religious myths, creation stories, and conceptions of nature - with extensive selections from Jewish, Christian, Native American, Indian, African, Chinese and indigenous texts and commentaries. The complex relations between religion, ecology and society, including the religious role in environmental political movements, are also examined. The second edition reflects the last decade's tremendous growth and transformation of scholarly, theological and activist religious environmentalism.


Preface and acknowledgements Introduction: Religion in an age of environmental crisis Introduction to the second edition: Good news/bad news Part I: The moment of seeing: Selections from nature writers linking nature and spirit Part II: How have traditional religions viewed nature? Part III: Ecotheology in an age of environmental crisis: Transforming tradition Part IV: Ecotheology in an age of environmental crisis: Ecofeminist spirituality Part V: Ecotheology in an age of environmental crisis: Spiritual deep ecology Part VI: Religious practice for a sacred earth Part VII: Ecology, religion and society Suggestions for further reading Websites on religion and the environment Environmental organisations About the contributors

Customer Reviews


Roger S. Gottlieb is Professor of Philosophy at Worcester Polytechnic Institiute and is widely recognized for his work in environmentalism. He has a regular column in Tikkun, and has published in popular venues such as the Sunday Boston Globe and Orion Afield. He has written and edited books on Marxism, Religion and Environmentalism.
Edited By: Roger Gottlieb
762 pages, no illustrations
Publisher: Routledge
Media reviews
The updated edition of This Sacred Earth brings together an impressive selection of recent insights on Religion As If the Earth Mattered. We dare not settle for less."
-Charlene Spretnak, author of "The Resurgence of the Real
"A rich and valuable compendium assembled around the premise that Judeo-Christian belief is moving from belief to disbelief in the inherent value of earth and its creatures. Writings that support this premise in the central text are introduced with spiritual and nature writings and followed by writings from Islamic, Hindu, Buddhist, Animal Rights, Ecofeminist and Deep Ecology perspectives. A fine sourcebook for a wide range of religious and spiritual environmental writings."
-Calvin B. DeWitt, University of Wisconson-Madison
"I welcome this second edition of "This Sacred Earth, more comprehensive and inclusive than ever, probing the opportunities--and the pitfalls--in bringing religious experience to bear on caring for nature. Can Earth's marvelous religious diversity help to save Earth and its marvelous biodiversity? We can inherit the Earth only in justice and love. The promise of religion is splendidly and urgently documented here.."
-Holmes Rolston, III, University Distinguished Professor Colorado State University
"The Second Edition of "This Sacred Earth documents the exponential acceleration of the greening of religion. Back in 1967, Lynn White Jr. could plausibly claim that the "historical roots of our ecologic crisis" were the Abrahamic religions. Now those religions and practically all the others of the world are uniting to resist the real roots of our ecologic crisis, the worship of Mammon and the cult of Consumerism. Roger Gottliebhas done a masterful job in covering the diversity of the spiritual responses to this newest form of idolatry--from traditional world religions such as Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism to new ecology-inspired spiritual movements such as Deep Ecology and Ecofeminism. It remains THE TEXTBOOK for college courses that focus on the link between religion and environment.."
-J. Baird Callicott Professor of Philosophy and Religion Studies University of North Texas
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