Language: English
The Threatened Taxa of Telangana State assessment is a review of the conservation status of the flora and fauna of Telangana State, India. This report summarises results of the Threatened Taxa of Telangana State assessment (TTOTS) workshops for assessing floral and the faunal taxa of Telangana State and provides an overview of the conservation status of the species following the IUCN Red List guidelines for regional assessments. This report endeavours to identify the species threatened with extinction, such that action plans can be formulated and implemented for then conservation.
The taxa described from India and known from Telangana State were taken inro consideration; the assessment region was Telangana State. Information on various aspects of such taxa were collected and compiled for all the 31 districts. The status of all species was assessed following IUCN Red List Criteria at Regional Levels, which are the world’s most widely accepted system for measuring relative extinction risk at regional scale. Species endemic to Telangana State were assessed following the IUCN Red List Criteria ver. 3.1 (IUCN 2001). Assessments were carried out during a series of assessment workshops where the contributors were active participants in the assessment and data review processes. The methodology for this assessment is based on the collation and analysis of existing information. Experts trained in biodiversity assessment methods, including the ap- plication of the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria, and species mapping using GIS software were responsible for final assessments.