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Academic & Professional Books  Natural History  Photography & Video  Photography: General

All Animal Beings

Art / Photobook
By: Ken Drake(Illustrator), Beck Drake(Contributor)
304 pages, colour photos
All Animal Beings
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  • All Animal Beings ISBN: 9781742579290 Hardback Nov 2017 Not in stock: Usually dispatched within 1-2 months
Price: £24.99
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All Animal BeingsAll Animal BeingsAll Animal BeingsAll Animal BeingsAll Animal BeingsAll Animal BeingsAll Animal BeingsAll Animal BeingsAll Animal Beings

About this book

All Animal Beings is a coffee table book containing beautiful photographs of the animals in our lives that we think we know best. Some of these animals we call family, some we call foe, some we call food. All Animal Beings will showcase these creatures in a new light, as seen through the lens of highly awarded Master Photographer and animal specialist Ken Drake.

Why are dogs 'Mans Best Friend'? Why can cats be so aloof? Why is it ok for us to eat pigs or cows, but not dogs? How exactly are birds so smart? Is it only humans and domesticated animals that are smart, or does our wildlife have special abilities too? These questions and more will be explored. Featured animals include all manner of pets, farmed animals, and iconic wildlife. Zoo Studio's signature style of shooting animal portrait's on a black background is unusual and highly effective. Photography aficionados will appreciate the skill that has gone into producing this stunning book.

Customer Reviews


Master Photographer Ken Drake and wife Beck established Zoo Studio in 2006, specialising in animal art photography. Zoo Studio photographs only pets, capturing the bond between them and their owners. Zoo Studio’s signature style is in capturing the unique personalities of all the animals they photograph. Ken Drake is a multi award-winning photographer and animal portraiture specialist. Ken’s understanding of animal manners, body language and knowing how to bring out the very best in his furry subjects, sets Zoo Studio apart. Zoo Studio are also passionate about helping animals in need and have worked with many charities since Zoo Studio was born – they even launched the Zoo Studio Foundation so they could provide a greater focus on raising funds, using their photographic and business skills for charities that can’t necessarily do it all themselves. “We passionately believe that Animal Welfare is a top priority and that, as a successful business in the pet industry, it is our duty to do what we can to help those animals in need, and the people who help them,” says Beck.

Art / Photobook
By: Ken Drake(Illustrator), Beck Drake(Contributor)
304 pages, colour photos
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