Contains a list of all the vascular plants to be found in the vast territory of the former USSR, comprising over 22 000 species and subspecies of wild, naturalised and adventive plants relating to 1945 genera and 216 families. Also included are hybrid genera, the most widely distributed cultivated plants and 203 species that may be found within the territory, since they occur in neighbouring countries. This book is an enlarged and critically revised English edition of the original Russian language edition Vascular Plants of the USSR, published in 1981.
Paperback re-issue, originally published in 1995.
- Preface
- Works referred to in the Preface
- Alphabetical listing
- Index to family and generic names
"It is a work which will be essential for those studying the flora of the region and the intention is that it should be the definitive volume on the shelves of libraries and herbaria across the world."
- S. E. English, Annals of Botany