This long-awaited new edition of the classic and established textbook by Heinrich Walter summarizes the present knowledge of the earth's ecology. Walter's general concept remains the same but the individual chapters have been revised, enlarged and updated. Walter's intimate knowledge of practically all classes of plants and climatic zones allows him to describes the various ecological systems in close detail.
Introduction and Remarks. General Section: Ecological Fundamentals. Ecological Systems and Biology of Ecosystems.- Special Section. I. Zonobiome of the Evergreen Tropical Rain Forest (ZB of the Equatorial Humid Diurnal Climate). II. Zonobiome of Savannas and Deciduous Forests and Grasslands (ZB of the Humido-arid Tropical Summer Rain Region). III. Zonobiome of Hot Deserts (ZB of Subtropical Arid Climates). IV. Zonobiome of Sclerophyllic Woodlands (ZB of the Arido-humid Winter Rain Region). V. Zonobiome of Laurel Forests (ZB of the Warm-temperate Humid Climate). VI. Zonobiome of Deciduous Forests (ZB of the Temperate Nemoral Climate). VII. Zonobiome of Steppes and Cold Deserts (ZB of the Arid-temperate Climate). VIII. Zonobiome of the Taiga (ZB of the Cold-temperate Boreal Climate). IX. Zonobiome of the Tundra (ZB of the Arctic Climate). Summary and Conclusions. References.
The highest units of life are the communities of organisms, plans and animals which, together with abiotic environmental factors (e.g. climate and soil), form ecosystems. These are characterized by a continuous cycling of material and flow of energy. Ecology, in the widest sense of the word, is the science of these ecosystems, from the very smallest to the global level - the biosphere. This book is intended to serve as a brief comprehensive introduction to this global ecological system. - from the Introduction