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Before fish studies can commence, researchers must first locate the target habitat. This is a time-consuming and expensive effort, especially in remote locations and nearly opaque water conditions. Acoustic Fish Reconnaissance presents up-to-date methods of acoustic remote sensing tools and techniques for aquatic environments. Reflecting the authors' decades of experience, the book emphasizes practical methods for mapping the distribution of fish, assessing fish stock, monitoring fishing conditions, and studying fish behavior. The authors also consider the commercial significance of the technology and explain the rational basis of choosing a specific method for a given application.
Sound Scattering by Commercial ItemsCharacteristics of the Reflectivity of Aquatic AnimalsSound Scattering by an Individual ItemSound Scattering by Item ConcentrationsClassification of Echo Signals from Commercial ItemsStatistical Properties of Echo Signals from Commercial ItemsScouting Characteristics of Acoustic InstrumentsRange of Detection of Commercial ItemsZone of Detection of Commercial ItemsResolving Capacity of Acoustic InstrumentsRational Choice of Parameters of Acoustic InstrumentsSearch for Commercial Items with Acoustic InstrumentsShapes of Distributions of Commercial Items and their Registrationby Acoustic InstrumentsTactics of Search for Commercial ConcentrationsEfficiency of Detection of Commercial Items with AcousticInstrumentsPossibilities of Detection of Commercial Items by Echo SounderPeculiarities of Detection of Commercial ItemsPossibilities of Detection of Commercial Items by SonarPractical Estimation of Scouting Possibilities of AcousticInstrumentsSpecies and Size Interpretation of Recordings of CommercialItemsSpecies and Size Interpretation of EchogramsSpecies and Size Interpretation of Recordings by InstrumentalMethodsQuantitative Interpretation of Recordings of CommercialItemsTheoretical Questions of Determining the Density of CommercialConcentrationsMethods of Calibration of Acoustic InstrumentsQuantitative Interpretation of Commercial Recordings by EchoSounderQuantitative Interpretation of Commercial Recordings by SonarAcoustic Surveys of Commercial ResourcesAcoustic Survey TacticsSurvey Data Collection and TreatmentAcoustic Survey ErrorsAcoustic Survey Practice and PerspectivesEconomic Efficiency of SurveysFisheries-Acoustic SurveysThe Essence of Fisheries-Acoustic SurveysSurveys of Fishing ConditionsSurveys of Commercial ResourcesEcological SurveysAnalysis and Application of Survey ResultsPassing Observations and Surveys on Commercial VesselsThe Principles of Estimation of Fish ConcentrationsSurveys of Commercial ResourcesPassing ObservationsLong-Term Passing ObservationsAnalysis of Results of Observations
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