Proceedings of the 2nd International Legume Conference, Missouri, June 1987. Contains 35 papers, see the table of contents for more details.
- Introduction / J. L. Zarucchi ix
- Life History Studies / N. R. Sackville Hamilton 1
- Biological Implications of Leguminous Tree Architecture / Roelof A. A. Oldeman 17
- Structure and Evolutionary Tendencies of Inflorescences in the Leguminosae / F. Weberling 35
- Evolutionary Implications of Floral Ontogeny in Legumes / Shirley C. Tucker 59
- Structure, Evolution, and Biology of Pollen in Leguminosae / Ph. Guinet & I. K. Ferguson 77
- Pollen, Stigma, and Style Interactions in the Leguminosae / Simon J. Owens & C. H. Stirton 105
- Stigma, Style, Pollen, and the Pollen-Stigma Interaction in Caesalpinioideae / Simon J. Owens 113
- Pollen-Pistil Interactions in Leguminosae (Mimosoideae) / Josephine Kenrick & R. Bruce Knox 127
- Pollen—Pistil Interactions (Papilionoideae) / K. R. Shivanna & Simon J. Owens 157
- A Multidisciplinary Approach to Pollination Biology in the Leguminosae / B. D. Schrire 183
- Seed:Ovule Ratios, Selective Seed Abortion, and Mating Systems in Leguminosae / K. S. Bawa & D. P. Buckley 243
- The Floral Ecology of Australian Acacia / Peter Bernhardt 263
- The Population Biology of an Annual Texas Lupine / Barbara A. Schaal 283
- Natural History of a Wind-Pollinated Central American Dry Forest Legume Tree (Ateleia herbert-smithii Pittier) / Daniel H. Janzen 293
- Ecological Success in Relation to Plant Form and Function in the Woody Legumes / Philip W. Rundel 377
- Legume Fruits—The Structure:Function Equation / J. S. Pate 399
- Legume Seeds—The Structure:Function Equation / J. Van Staden, J. C. Manning & K. M. Kelly 417
- Morphology and Aerodynamics of Wind-Dispersed Legumes / Carol K. Augspurger 451
- The Evolution of Genera in the Leguminosae / Ernest Small 467
- Reproductive Changes Induced by Domestication / U. Plitmann & M. E. Kislev 487
- The Benefits and Risks of Woody Legume Introductions / C. E. Hughes & B. T. Styles 505
- Biological Implications of Genome Evolution / H. Rees & R. K. J. Narayan 533
- The Legume—Rhizobium Equation: A Coevolution of Two Genomes / Desh Pal S. Verma & John Stanley 545
- Structure and Function of Root Nodules from Woody Legumes / J. I. Sprent, J. M. Sutherland & S. M. de Faria 559
- Ecosystem Estimates of N2-Fixation and Investigations of Nodule Metabolism Using Variations in the Natural Abundance of 15N / Daniel H. Kohl & Georgia Shearer 579
- Interactions Between Herbaceous Legumes and Their Associated Rhizobia, Mycorrhizae, Pests, and Parasites / N. C. Schenck 595
- Systematics and Ecology of Ectomycorrhizal Legumes / Ian J. Alexander 607
- Reflections on Mycorrhizal Research / Rolf Singer 625
- A Model of Daily Leaf Movement in Relation to the Radiation Regime / Thomas J. Herbert 629
- Cyanogenesis in the Leguminosae / David S. Seigler, Bruce R. Maslin & Eric E. Conn 645
- Interactions Between Ants and Leguminous Plants / Doyle McKey 673
- Aphid—Legume Interactions / M. S. J. Simmonds, W. M. Blaney, A. N. E. Birch & C. H. Stirton 719
- Adaptive Radiation of Acanthoscelides in Seeds: Examples of Legume—Bruchid Interactions / Clarence Dan Johnson 747
- Chemical Interactions Between Bruchids and Legumes / A. N. E. Birch, M. S. J. Simmonds & W. M. Blaney 781
- Databases, Information Systems, and Legume Research / Frank A. Bisby 811
Index 827