Adventures of the Chickalloon is a book about ecology. Its aim, as the first in a new series of books, is to help children learn important life lessons about issues that are rarely given much time in the school curriculum. The book's main character, the Chickalloon, meets lots of animals that explain what's happening to the world they live in. Adventures of the Chickalloon is for children of about seven to ten and has 23 wonderful colour illustrations by a very talented young artist and a foreword by Bill Oddie.
The publisher donates £1 for each copy sold to the Bumblebee Conservation Trust.
"The story of the imaginary Chickalloon (who is very curious and can fly like a balloon) and his adventures with and learning from different animals is delightful and informative. It brings home what humans are doing to the Earth in a way that children will enjoy reading and hopeful take in that individuals can make a difference . The many, bold, colourful illustrations add to the delight; my favourite is on p43. I could live with these on my walls. I've joined the Bumblebee Conservation Trust as a result of reading the book. (See the Adventures of Chickalloon in the Grass p 60.) I think it is a great idea that £1 of the book sale goes to the Trust. So I enjoyed the book for myself and I am that grown up that will buy it for small family members and children next door. I look forward to the next in the series and perhaps the cartoon film!"
- Katrina Patterson
"What a novel way to develop children's interest in ecology. This is a must have book for children of all ages and for parents to develop a new way of educating and engaging their children in nature and ecology. This is a book which should be in every school library and be one of the must study books.Really look forward to the next instalments from Chickalloon."
- Andy Parkes
"I gave Clara your book this morning and she has read the first chapter, when I asked her if she liked it she said 'are there going to be any more? I want the whole series' !!! So thanks very much, she is also taking it into school to show her friends and teacher."
- Emma Vasey
"We love Chickalloon!"
- MikeyB
"I'm so enjoying reading your amazing book! Love how we're learning through the Chickalloon and the innocence of the little boy as he can't believe what we're all doing to our precious mother earth Gaia. I'm finding the book so very moving and very sad, strengthening my learning that we're all connected and how shallow and selfish we are as a global community! And firing me up for trying to 'do' something in some small way to help! It's a fun book too!"
- Sue Bagot