The Joint Nature Conservation Committee was brought into being by the Environmental Protection Act 1990. Amongst its functions is a requirement to develop common standards throughout Great Britain for the monitoring of nature conservation and for the analysis of the resulting information. Developing common standards for monitoring designated nature conservation sites was a major task, but standards were piloted during 1998 and became operational in Great Britain from April 1999. By agreement with the Environment and Heritage Service, they were also adopted for use in Northern Ireland. The agreed common standards include the production of a report every six years.
This report fulfills that requirement. It is presented in four volumes:
1. Summary
2. Geology
3. Species
4. Habitats
This volume (Species) deals with Mammals, Aggregations of breeding birds, Assemblages of breeding birds, Aggregations of non-breeding birds, Reptiles, Amphibians, Fish, Butterflies, Dragonflies and damselflies, Other invertebrates, Flowering plants and ferns, and Non-flowering plants and fungi.