As we confront the unabated extinction of animal and plant species, together with the ever increasing human pressures on forests, wetlands, and marine environments, the conservation of such ecosystems depends to a large degree on public participation and support. This book documents fifteen exemplary education and communication programmes that have contributed to the conservation of wildlife and natural resources around the world. Representative case studies from all over the globe are presented in the same format to facilitate comparisons and to ensure continuity and applicability. The format includes programme goals, objectives, resources, and constraints; materials, methods, and processes; and evaluation of results and recommendations.
SUSAN K. JACOBSON directs the program for studies in tropical conservation and is an associate professor in wildlife ecology and conservation at the University of Florida.
Provides an in-depth analysis of conservation education programs based on well-documented descriptions of the scientific issues... The theme throughout the book reiterates that the responsibility of conservation of ecosystems depends less on scientists and more on the support and commitment of the public. Ecoscience There can be little doubt that one major change in wildlife conservation in the last thirty years has been recognition of the importance of working with and educating the public about local wildlife (and other resource) conservation efforts. I have seen no book that better illustrates this revolution, or can better move it along than this one. Alternatives