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Academic & Professional Books  Reference  Physical Sciences  Cosmology & Astronomy

The Man Who Ran the Moon

Biography / Memoir
By: James Webb
272 pages, B/w photos
Publisher: Icon Books
The Man Who Ran the Moon
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  • The Man Who Ran the Moon ISBN: 9781840468366 Paperback Jul 2007 Out of stock with supplier: order now to get this when available
Price: £9.99
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About this book

Neil Armstrong will forever be the first man on the Moon. But the person most responsible for putting him there is, incredibly, unknown. Drawing on original sources, this work tells the hidden story of the unconventional, charismatic man who made one giant leap for mankind.

Customer Reviews


Piers Bizony is a science journalist and space historian who writes for magazines such as Focus and Wired, as well as the Independent. His latest book is a narrative history of the birth of the atom, which ties in with a BBC Four television series.
Biography / Memoir
By: James Webb
272 pages, B/w photos
Publisher: Icon Books
Media reviews
'Bizony draws a fast-cutting portrait... bound to appeal to moon buffs of all ages.' Guardian 'Bizony tells Webb's remarkable story in a pacy way, revealing the highs and ultimately the lows of a flawed genius whose name has been forgotten by time' Good Book Guide 'Journalist Bizony's excellent corrective to NASA's mythologized history takes an unflinching look at how James Webb, a North Carolina farm boy turned Washington insider, ran his end of the space race as NASA's administrator under presidents Kennedy and Johnson. A firebrand of a book' Publisher's Weekly (US)
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