Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Modern Agriculture: A Source of Energy? 3. The History of Agricultural Energetics: Podolinsky 4. Eduard Sacher's Formulation of Podolinsky's Principle 5. Rudolf Clausius: On the Energy Stocks in Nature 6. Patrick Geddes' Critique of Economics 7. The Carrying Capacity of the Earth, According to Pfaundler 8. Henry Adams' Law of Acceleration in the Use of Energy 9. Soddy's Critique of the Theory of Economic Growth 10. Lancelot Hogben vs. Hayek 11. Methodological Individualism and Intergenerational Allocation 12. Max Weber's Chrematistic Critique of Wilhelm Ostwald 13. Ecological Utopianism: Popper-Lynkeus and Ballod-Atlanticus 14. The History of the Future 15. Political Epilogue.