About this book
Responding to a heightened awareness of the possible adverse effect of treated wood, Environmental Impacts of Treated Wood presents research results and fundamental information on regulations, wood treatment alternatives, documentation of environmental releases as well as the impact of treated wood on water, soil, and organisms. An entire section is devoted to assessing and managing human health effects. Other discussion describes state-of-the-art disposal technologies, introduce new preservative compounds, and present recent developments related to phase outs of certain treated wood products.
INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUNDChromated Copper Arsenate as a Wood Preservative, J.J. MorrellNonarsenical Wood Protection: Alternatives for Chromated Copper Arsenate, Creosote and Pentachlorophenol, M.H. Freeman, D.D. Nicholas, and T.P. SchultzRegulations in the European Union with Emphasis on Germany, Sweden, and Slovenia, M. Humar, R.D. Peek, and J. JermerThe Production and Management of Wood Treated with Chromated-Copper-Arsenate in Asia and Oceania with Emphasis on Australia, India, Japan, and Korea, T. Hata, L. Cookson, Y.-C. Jang, B. Tarakanadha, Y. Imamura, S.N. Kartal, and T. ShibataENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTSStudy Design Considerations in Evaluating Environmental Impacts, S.T. Lebow, P.A. Cooper, and P.K. LebowLeaching of Chromated Copper Arsenate, Alkaline Copper Quaternary and Copper Azole Components from Wood Exposed to Natural Weathering Aboveground and Reaction of Leachates with Soil, S. Stefanovic and P. CooperElemental Speciation and Environmental Importance Associated with Wood Treated with Chromated Copper Arsenate, Y. Cai, H. Solo-Gabriele, T. Townsend, B. Khan, M. Georgiadis, and B. DubeyModeling the Leaching of Inorganic Components of Wood Preservatives in Service, L. Waldron, P. Cooper, and T. UngThe Impact of Wood Treated with Chromated Copper Arsenate on Soil, T. Chirenje and L.Q. MaEffects of Wood Treated with Chromated Copper Arsenate on Aquatic Biota, J.S. Weis and P. WeisImpacts of Wood Preservatives on Settlement and Growth of Fouling Organisms, B. Tarakanadha, J.J. Morrell, and K. Satyanarayana RaoASSESSING AND MANAGING HUMAN HEALTH RISKSArsenic Release and Exposure from Lumber Treated with Chromated Copper Arsenate, S.C. Patch and R.P. MaasUse of the Synthetic Wipe Method for Estimating Dislodgeable Arsenic and Evaluating the Physical Factors That Affect the Levels of Potential Exposure to Children from In-Service Wood Treated with Chromated Copper Arsenate, T. ShibataPreserved Wood and Cancer Risk: the Incidence of Arsenic-Related Cancers during the Era of Widespread Use of Wood Treated with Chromated Copper Arsenate in the U.S., D.C. West Children Exposed to Playsets Treated with Chromated Copper Arsenate: A Review of Risk Assessment Approaches, H.G. Ochoa-Acu?a and S.M. RobertsEffect of Coatings on Chromated-Copper-Arsenate Leaching from Wood in a Soil Environment, D.E. Stilwell, C.L. Musante, and B.L. SawhneyTreated Wood - Managing the Risk, C. EnglotEND-OF-LIFE MANAGEMENT AND IMPACTSIdentification of Wood Treated with Waterborne Metal-Based Preservatives, H. Solo-Gabriele, A. Omae, T. Townsend, and D. HahnThe Reuse of Treated Wood, R. Smith, D. Bailey, D. Alderman, and P. AramanRecycling of Wood Treated with Chromated Copper Arsenate into Composite Construction Materials, D.P. KamdemRecycling of Preservative-Treated Wood Using Chemical Extraction Technologies, T.F. Shupe and C.Y. HseBioremediation of Treated Wood with Bacteria, C.A. ClausenBioremediation of Treat
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