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Experimental Cell Biology of Taste and Olfaction Current Techniques and Protocols

Handbook / Manual Out of Print
Edited By: AI Spielman and JG Brand
437 pages, Figs, tabs
Publisher: CRC Press
Experimental Cell Biology of Taste and Olfaction
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  • Experimental Cell Biology of Taste and Olfaction ISBN: 9780849376450 Hardback Jul 1995 Out of Print #63605
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About this book

Experimental Cell Biology of Taste and Olfaction examines and adapts methods from a variety of established fields, such as neurophysiology, receptor biochemistry and cellular imaging to provide comprehensive coverage of current techniques and protocols in chemosensory cell biology. Written for both newcomers and established scientists, this volume offers numerous tips for problem solving and suggests ways to avoid the most common, and costly, mistakes made by researchers.This book covers general aspects such as tissue collection and preparation, as well as specific, up-to-date methods used in taste and olfactory morphology, immunology, biochemistry, biophysics, electrophysiology and molecular biology. The explosion of knowledge and the increased interest in these areas make this book an important reference work for all scientists, students, and teachers in this and related fields


General Methods in Chemosensory Research Euthanasia, I. Ramirez Collection of Taste Tissue from Fish and Amphibians, J. H. Teeter Collection of Taste Tissue from Mammals, A. I. Spielman and J. G. Brand Insects: Isolation of Olfactory Sensilla and Collection of Sensillum Lymph, G. Ziegelberger Surgical Anatomy of Olfactory Organ and Tissue Collection Methods in Vertebrates, T. Kurahashi and D. Restrepo Collection of Human Olfactory Tissue, L. D. Lowry and E. A. Pribitkin Surgical Removal of the Vomeronasal Organ and Its Verification, C. J. Wysocki and L. M. Wysocki Denervation and Reinnervation of the Tongue, B. Oakley The Lingual Slice Preparation, Isolated Taste Cells, and Dye Injections in Mudpuppy, A. Bigiani, D. A. Ewald, and S. D. Roper Cell Dissociation Methods for Patch Clamp Electrophysiological Studies of Vertebrate Olfactory Receptor Neurons, A. H. Kahn and S. Firestein Tissue Culture of Rat Taste Buds, C. Ruiz, M. McPheeters, and S. C. Kinnamon Olfactory Receptor Neuronal Cultures, G. V. Ronnett Methods for Airborne and Aqueous Stimulus Delivery in Olfactory Research, J. S. Kauer and S. Firestein Imaging Methods in Chemosensory Research Videomicroscopy and Image Processing, I. J. Miller and S. L. Hayes Transmission Electron Microscopy of Gustatory Epithelium, H. H. Crowley and J. C. Kinnamon Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy of Olfactory Epithelia, B. Ph. M. Menco Analysis of Taste Bud Ultrastructure by Serial Sectioning and Three-Dimensional Reconstruction, S. M. Royer and J. C. Kinnamon Immunohistochemistry, C. DellaCorte IP3 Autoradiography of Taste Receptor Cells, P. A. Hwang In Situ Hybridization, H. Schmale and M. Behrens Biochemical Methods in Chemosensory Research Membrane Preparation and Subcellular Fractionation, D. L. Kalinoski Preparation of Olfactory Cilia, R. R. H. Anholt The Use of the Spiny Lobster as a Tool for the Study of Chemosensory Biochemistry, H. G. Trapido-Rosenthal Receptor Binding and Solubilization, D. L. Kalinoski Western Blotting, R. Bruch and Fe. C. Abogadie Approaches for Monitoring Rapid Kinetics of Second Messenger Signaling, E. Tareilus, I. Boekhoff, A.I. Spielman, and H. Breer Second Messenger Assays, A. I. Spielman, H. Nagai, G. Sunavala, M. Dasso, T. Huque, and J. G. Brand Electrophysiological and Biophysical Methods in Chemosensory Research General Methods Reconstitution of Chemoreceptor Proteins in Planar Lipid Bilayers, A. M. Feigin, M. Zviman, and J. H. Teeter Data Acquisition in Electrophysiology, V. E. Dionne Whole Nerve and Single Unit Recordings Taste Nerve Recording from a Voltage-Clamped Receptive Field, J. A. DeSimone, G. Heck, and Q. Ye Whole Nerve and Single Fiber Recordings in Frog, T. Miyamoto and T. Sato Single Unit Electrophysiological Recordings from Crustacean Chemoreceptor Neurons, C. D. Derby Olfactory and Taste Recordings in Fish, J. Caprio Taste Nerve Recordings in Rodents, M. E. Frank Trigeminal Nerve Recordings in Rodents, B. P. Bryant Whole Nerve and Single Fiber Recordings in Non-Human Primates, G. Hellekant and T. W. Roberts Electrophysiology of the Vomeronasal Organ and Accessory Olfactory System, M. Meredith Patch-Clamping Patch-Clamping of Taste Cells in the Mudpuppy, T. A. Cummings and S. C. Kinnamon Patch-Clamping Recording from Taste Receptor Cells of Channel Catfish and Larval Tiger Salamander, J. H. Teeter Patch-Clamping of Taste Cells in Hamster and Rat, T. A. Gilbertson Patch-Clamping of Taste Cells in Mouse, J. F. MacDonald, I. Mody, M. W. Salter, and A. I. Spielman Loose-Patch Recording from Taste Buds in Situ, B. Lindemann Patch-Clamping Lobster Olfactory Receptor Cells, B. W. Ache, D. A. Fadool, and A. Zhainazarov Patch-Clamping of Whole Olfactory Cilia, S. J. Kleene Patch-Clamping Techniques for Vertebrate Olfactory Receptor Cells, G. Lowe, T. Nakamura, and G. H. Gold Single Unit and Electroantennogram Recordings in Insect Olfactory Organs, K.-E. Kaissling Patch-Clamping of Olfactory Cells in Insects, F. Zufall Imaging of Intracellular Calcium in Chemosensory Receptor Cells, D. Restrepo, M. Zviman, and N. E. Rawson Videorate Imaging of Potentiometric Dyes in Olfactory Research, J. S. Kauer Methods to Study Flow Dynamics in Olfaction, P. W. Scherer, K. Keyhani, I. Hahn, and M. Mozell Applications of Molecular Biology to Chemosensory Research Cloning of Gustatory cDNAs and Analysis of Their Pattern of Expression, P. J. McKinnon, S. K. McLaughlin, and R. F. Margolskee Cloning of Odorant Receptors, E. R. Liman and L. B. Buck List of Critical References for Techniques Not Covered

Customer Reviews

Handbook / Manual Out of Print
Edited By: AI Spielman and JG Brand
437 pages, Figs, tabs
Publisher: CRC Press
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