Language: English with bilingual summary in English and Spanish
The Ecuadorean species of the Rubiaceae tribes Condamineeae, Isertieae, Coussareeae, and (partly) Psychotrieae are revised. The tribes are treated in their traditional circumscriptions. There are seven genera of the Condamineeae in Ecuador: Rustia (6 spp.), Condaminea (1 sp.), Chimarrhis (3 spp.), Dioicodendron (1 sp.), Dolichodelphys (1 sp.), Coutarea (2 spp.), and Exostema (1 sp). There are six genera of the Isertieae in Ecuador: Isertia (3 spp.), Raritebe (1 sp. with 2 ssp.), Gonzalagunia (14 spp.), Sabicea (5 spp.), Amphidasya (2 spp.), and Bertiera (4 spp.). There are two genera of the Coussareeae in Ecuador: Coussarea (18 spp.) and Faramea (25 spp.). There are at least five genera of the Psychotrieae in Ecuador, three of which are treated here: Geophila (3 spp.), Palicourea (79 spp.), and Declieuxia; the genus Declieuxia is assumed to occur in Ecuador based on its presence in adjacent Colombia, but no collections have been made so far. The genera Psychotria (s. lat.) and Rudgea are not treated.
Eighteen species are described as new: Coussarea amplifolia C.M. Taylor, C. cephaeloides C.M. Taylor, C. dulcifolia D. Neill, C.E. Ceron & C.M. Taylor, C. ecuadorensis C.M. Taylor, C. pilosula C.M. Taylor, C. resinosa C.M. Taylor, C. spiciformis C.M. Taylor, Faramea angustata C.M. Taylor, F. calyptrata C.M. Taylor, F. coffeoides C.M. Taylor, F. cupheoides C.M. Taylor, F. uncinata C.M. Taylor, F. verticillata C.M. Taylor, Gonzalagunia bifida B. Ståhl, G. exigua B. Ståhl, G. pauciflora B. Ståhl, Sabicea pyramidalis L. Andersson, and S. thyrsiflora L. Andersson.
One new name is proposed: Palicourea fuchsioides C.M. Taylor (= Cephaelis Jamesonii Standl.). Four new combinations are made: Bertiera bracteosa (J.D. Smith) B. Ståhl & L. Andersson, B. pubiflora (Steyerm.) L. Andersson & B. Ståhl, Psychotria levis (Standl.) C.M. Taylor, and P. pluricostata (Standl.) C.M. Taylor. All taxa are described, and keys and specimen citations are provided for all species. Selected species are illustrated.