Language: English with bilingual summary in English and Spanish
The Ecuadorian members of Acanthaceae are revised.
Thirty-four genera and 189 species occur in the country: Acanthus (1 sp.), Aphelandra (40 spp.), Blechum (1 sp.), Carlowrightia (1 sp.), Dicliptera (10 spp.), Dyschoriste (1 sp.), Elytraria (2 spp.), Encephalosphaera (2 spp.), Fittonia (2 spp.), Graptophyllum (1 sp.), Herpetacanthus (3 spp.), Hygrophila (2 spp.), Justicia (45 spp.), Lepidagathis (1 sp.), Mendoncia (14 spp.), Nelsonia (1 sp.), Neriacanthus (1 sp.), Odontonema (2 spp.), Pachystachys (2 spp.), Poikilacanthus (1 sp.), Pseuderanthemum (10 spp.), Psilanthele (1 sp.), Pulchranthus (1 sp.), Razisea (1 sp.), Ruellia (18 spp.), Sanchezia (9 spp.), Stenandrium (3 spp.), Stenostephanus (8 spp.), Streblacanthus (1 sp.), Tetramerium (2 spp.), Thunbergia (3 spp.), and Trichanthera (1 sp.).
Thirty-four species and two varieties are described as new: Dicliptera dorrii Wassh., D. harlingii Wassh., D. lugoi Wassh., Herpetacanthus napoensis Wassh., H. acaulis Wassh., Justicia zamorensis Wassh., J. prietori Wassh., J. pastazensis Wassh., J. plowmanii Wassh., J. loxensis Wassh., J. chimboracensis Wassh., J. brandbygei Wassh., J. lugoi Wassh., J. holgueri Wassh., J. balslevii Wassh., J. palaciosii Wassh., J. oellgaardii Wassh., J. campii Wassh., J. clarkii Wassh., J. morona-santiagoensis Wassh., J. reginaldii Wassh., J. gunnari Wassh., J. iltisii Wassh., Mendoncia clavulus Wassh., M. quadrata Wassh., M. hitchcockii Wassh., Pseuderanthemum hooveri Wassh., P. orientalis Wassh., Ruellia cuyabensis Wassh., R. holm-nielsenii Wassh., R. gilva Wassh., R. napoensis Wassh., R. terminalis var. grandiflora Wassh., R. terminalis var. pogonicaulis Wassh., Stenostephanus anderssonii Wassh., and S. clarkii Wassh.
Seven new combinations are made, Justicia rothschuhii (Lindau) Wassh., J. harlingii (Wassh.) Wassh., Stenostephanus luteynii (Wassh.) Wassh., S. laxus (Wassh.) Wassh., S. lugonis (Wassh.) Wassh., S. asplundii (Wassh.) Wassh., and S.jamesonii (Wassh.) Wassh.
Keys, descriptions and specimen citations are provided for all taxa. Many genera are illustrated.