Freshwater Challenges of South Africa and its Upper Vaal River promotes better understanding and awareness of South Africa' significant water problems by describing the country's and especially the Upper Vaal River's water resources. It is a "go-to" book for students, professionals and regular citizens when information is required regarding the country's and more specifically the Upper Vaal River's freshwater resources. It highlights the major problems and risks which need to be addressed and give a realistic and true representation of the current water affairs.
Part I: Global Context of Freshwater Resources
1.Global Water Availability, Distribution and Use
2.Global Water Quality Challenges
3.Global Water Scarcity and Possible Conflicts
Part II: South Africa's and the Upper Vaal WMA's Freshwater Resources
4.South Africa's Water Availability and Use
5.The Upper Vaal WMA
6.Primary Water Quality Challenges for South Africa and the Upper Vaal WMA
7.Water Scarcity and Other Significant Challenges for South Africa
Part III: Future Possibilities and Strategic Actions
8.A Future Outlook - Improved Water Efficiency and Possible Strategic Actions for South Africa and the Upper Vaal WMA
Part IV: Challenges, Recommendations and Conclusions
9.Challenges and Policy Recommendations
10.Conclusions and Evaluations
Anja du Plessis completed her doctorate at the University of Johannesburg and is currently a senior lecturer at the University of South Africa. Her research is focussed upon the challenges, risks and possible opportunities which the southern African region faces in terms of surface water availability and quality and have worked as a consultant in this regard. She aims to complete further research and consultation within the southern African region regarding possible future water-related risks and opportunities for various sectors.