Fungi From Different Substrates is comprised of more than a dozen chapters on fungi from different substrates including fossilized leaves. It discusses association of fungi occurring on important plants, some animals, and saprophytic substrates. Besides the taxonomic information, some ecological aspects like distribution and substrate/host preferences are discussed. Fungi From Different Substrates also reviews the myxomycete.
- Fungi from Brassicas as substrates; Jalpa P. Tewari
- Fungi from monuments; Clara Urzi'
- Ubiquitous occurrence of thermophilic moulds; T. Satyanarayana and R. Juneja
- Aquatic Hyphomycetes in Brazilian tropical urban waters; Iracema Helena Schoenlein-Crusius*; Carolina Gasch Moreira & Elaine Malosso
- Distribution of myxomycetes among the microhabitats available for these organisms in tropical forests; Rojas, C., A. W. Rollins and S. L. Stephenson
- Coprophilous fungi—A Review and Selected Bibliography; J. K. Misra, Shubha Pandey and Avaneesh Kumar Gupta
- Fungi from Fossilized Substrates; S. M. Tripathi and S. Mishra Birbal Sahni
- Wood-Inhabiting Fungi; Daniel Tura, Solomon P. Wasser and Ivan V. Zmitrovich
- Fungi from rice plant; Evelyn Gergon
- Fungal Pathogen of Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] Occurring in India; S. K. Sharma and Dr. S.K. Srivastava
- Fungi in and on dairy products; Judit Krisch
- Fungi Associated with Animal Diseases in India; Rishendra Verma
- Fungi from Substrates in Marine Environment; Ka-Lai Pang and Dr. Zhu-Hua Luo
- Diversity of micro-fungi in streams affected by coal mine drainage of Jaintia Hills Meghalaya; Ibandarisuk Lyngdoh and Highland Kayang
- Fungi associated with AIDS patients; Jalpa P. Tewari