This book presents a new and exciting angle – the geological highlights of the region's intriguing landscape. East Africa's cataclysmic volcanic legacy, caused by rifting of the landmass, has resulted in a rich source of geological wonders. These range from the seemingly endless, peaceful plains of the Serengeti to the stark skyscraper walls of extinct calderas and the boiling magma cauldrons and belching vents of the Nyiragongo Volcano.
This handy guide escorts users around all the major – and some minor – parks of Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda, as well as the Virunga Mountains in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Descriptions of each park and its wildlife offerings, both fauna and flora, preface discussion of the geological origins, influences and current conditions. Key geosites in the parks, and how to access them, are indicated. Maps, satellite images and diagrams, along with vivid photography, help explain the dramatic landforms, both close up and from above.
Dr Roger N. Scoon is an independent researcher, author and internationally recognised authority on the geology of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa. He is a Senior Researcher at Rhodes University and has published scientific articles in local and international journals and led field trips for international conferences to the Bushveld Complex and northern Tanzania. He is a Fellow of the Geological Society of South Africa, the Society of Economic Geologist, and the Geological Society of London.