Language: German
This work provides a comprehensive and up-to-date description of the geology and raw materials of the German state of Hesse. Based on the history of geological development, the geological units of the state are presented in detail. In addition to geology and palaeontology, other topics such as soil science, economic geology, engineering geology, hydrogeology are clearly outlined as well.
The geological structures of Hesse are characterised by their own impressive landscapes. They range from the crystalline Odenwald over the Rhenish Slate Mountains, the extensive Triassic deposits as well as the regions dominated by volcanic rocks, e.g. the Vogelsberg, to the distribution areas of Tertiary and Quaternary sedimentary rocks.
Under the coordination of the Hessian State Agency for Nature Conservation, Environment and Geology, more than 40 experts have contributed the latest research results to this reference book. A detailed table of contents, the place and subject index as well as an extensive and up-to-date compilation of literature in the appendix of the book help to deepen special topics.
Geologie von Hessen is the first comprehensive and richly illustrated book that is aimed at experts in research, management, engineering and planning offices as well as at everyone keen on geology.
Grußwort III
Vorwort V
Verzeichnis der Autoren VII
1. Geschichte der geologischen Erforschung von Hessen 1
2. Natur- und Strukturräume von Hessen 6
3 Paläozoikum (Erdaltertum) 17
4 Mesozoikum (Erdmittelalter) 218
5 Känozoikum (Erdneuzeit) 324
6 Böden 462
7 Archäologie
8 Rohstoffe 490
9 Geothermie 519
10 Hydrogeologie
11 Geophysik 555
12 Ingenieurgeologie 570
13 Altlasten 588
14 Geotope in Hessen 593
Literaturverzeichnis 593
Ortsregister 599
Sachwortverzeichnis 685