This book presents an overview of the geology of the Netherlands. Especially the geology of the subsurface is covered. There are separate chapters dealing with the stratigraphy and strucutural setting of the Pre-Silesian, Silesian, Permian, Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous, Tertiary and Quaternary. The significance of this geology for the exploitation of mineral resources is covered in several chapters dealing with petroleum, coal, coalbed methane, salt and groundwater. Other chapters deal with seismicity, magmatic geology, geothermy and subsurface storage. The area covered comprises the Netherlands, the Dutch part of the continental shelf, and also, wherever meaningful (e.g. geology around the southern province of Limburg in the Netherlands) and feasible, the directly adjacent German, Belgian and British areas. The chapters are written by various specialists in the fields covered, and each chapter is peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers.
The book is a clearly presented, comprehensive, up to date overview for professional geologists and engineers, for students, and for others interested in the geology or geological resources of the country, both onshore and offshore.