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Geotechnical Engineering for Mine Waste Storage Facilities

By: Geoffrey E Blight(Author)
652 pages, 20 b/w photos, 150 b/w illustrations, 20 tables
Publisher: CRC Press
Geotechnical Engineering for Mine Waste Storage Facilities
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  • Geotechnical Engineering for Mine Waste Storage Facilities ISBN: 9780415468282 Hardback Nov 2009 Not in stock: Usually dispatched within 1 week
Price: £220.00
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About this book

Geotechnical Engineering for Mine Waste Storage Facilities is a comprehensive treatment of the application of geotechnical engineering to site selection, site exploration, design, operation and closure of mine waste storage facilities. The level and content are suitable as a technical source and reference for practising engineers engaged both in the design and operational management of mine waste storage facilities and for senior undergraduate and postgraduate students.

The thirteen chapters follow the sequence of the life cycle of a waste storage facility (characterization, site selection, geotechnical exploration, environmental aspects, testing and compaction) and also consider the use of mine waste as a construction material. Geotechnical Engineering for Mine Waste Storage Facilities is liberally illustrated by both line drawings and photographs, and the theoretical passages are supported by typical test results, worked examples and carefully analysed case histories.


Chapter 1: Waste Engineering, Characteristics of Mine Wastes and Types of Waste Storage

    The nature and magnitude of the mine waste storage activity
    Origins and quantities of mine waste
    The effects of climate
    Waste characteristics
    Principles of mine waste management
    Types of mine waste storage
    Philosophy and arrangement of this book

Chapter 2: Selection of a Site for Storage of Mine Waste

    Procedure for site selection
    Preliminary assessment of required size of site
    Possible fatal flaws in candidate sites
    Seeking and obtaining public acceptance
    Preliminary ranking of candidate sites
    Site feasibility study
    Risk analysis
    Environmental impact report
    Preliminary geotechnical characterization of waste
    Preliminary site investigation
    Final site selection
    Examples of disastrous selection of sites

Chapter 3: Geotechnical Exploration of Sites for Development of Mine Waste Storages

    Soil engineering survey
    Soil engineering data
    Detailed information for design of slopes & seepage control
    Profile description
    Simple in situ tests and soil sampling
    Taking undisturbed soil samples for laboratory testing

Chapter 4: Environmental and Engineering Characteristics of Mine Waste, Including Stress and Strain Analysis and Laboratory Shear Testing

    Characteristics having environmental impact
    Engineering characteristics
    Changes of waste characteristics with time, and other considerations
    Analysis of stresses and strains and the principle of effective stress
    The behaviour of mine waste materials subjected to shear
    The process of consolidation and pore pressure re-distribution in laboratory shear tests
    The strength and viscosity of tailings at large water contents
    The shear strengths of interfaces
    The shear strength of waste rock
    Strain softening of "dry’’ coarse mine wastes
    The mechanics of unsaturated waste materials

Chapter 5: In Situ Shear Strength Testing of Tailings and Other Waste Materials and Test Interpretation

    The shear vane test
    The pressuremeter test
    The cone penetrometer test
    Estimation of potential for liquefaction from cone penetration tests

Chapter 6: Measuring the Coefficient of Permeability in the Laboratory and In Situ, Seepage Flow Nets, Drains and Linings, Geosynthetics, Geomembranes and GCL’s

    Measuring permeability
    Observed differences between small scale and large scale permeability measurements
    Laboratory tests for permeability
    Methods for measuring permeability in situ
    Estimation of permeability from field tests
    Large-scale permeability tests using test pads
    The permeability of tailings
    Seepage and flow nets
    The design of filter drains
    Calculation of seepage rates through tailings storages
    The processes of consolidation and pore pressure re-distribution
    Basal impervious liners and surface cover layers
    Blockage of filter drains and geotextiles
    Geosynthetic materials

Chapter 7: The Mechanics of Compaction

    The compaction process
    Uses of compaction in mine waste engineering
    The mechanisms of compaction
    Relationships between saturated permeability to water flow and water content
    Laboratory compaction
    Precautions to be taken with laboratory compaction
    Compaction in the field
    Designing a compacted clay layer for permeability
    Seepage through field-compacted layers
    Control of compaction in the field
    Special considerations for work in climates with large rates of evaporation
    Additional points for consideration

Chapter 8: Methods for Constructing Impounding Dykes for Storing Hydraulically Transported Tailings and Other Fine-Grained Wastes

    Deposition methods and sequences
    Beach formation in hydraulic deposition of fine-grained wastes
    Predicting beach profiles
    Details of particle size sorting during hydraulic deposition
    Effects of particle size sorting on permeability, water content and strength variation down a beach
    A comparison of tailings beaches formed in air and in water
    Methods for depositing slurries of tailings and other fine-grained waste materials
    Operational systems for tailings storages
    An example of building an embankment by underwater deposition
    Pool control and decanting

Chapter 9: Water Control and Functional and Safety Monitoring for Hydraulic Fill Tailings Storages and Dry Dumps Safety Appraisal Special Considerations for Carbonaceous and Radioactive Wastes

    Basis of a water control system
    Penstocks or decant towers and spillways
    Monitoring systems for waste storages
    Appraisal of safety for waste storages
    Special considerations for carbonaceous wastes
    A note on characteristics of radioactive wastes

Chapter 10: Water Balances for Tailings Storage Facilities and Dry Waste Dumps

    Water balances in general
    Required data
    Components of the water balance for an operational tailings storage
    Examples of water balances for operating hydraulic fill tailings storage impoundments
    The possibilities for saving water
    Seepage from the tailings storage into the foundation strata and the recession of the phreatic surface following cessation of operations
    Drainage of interstitial water as the phreatic surface recedes
    The water balance for a "dry’’ dump or a closed and rehabilitated tailings storage
    Measuring potential infiltration and runoff
    Estimating evaporation or evapotranspiration
    Measuring evaporation by solar energy balance
    Depth to which evaporation extends
    The effects of slope angle and orientation on solar radiation received by slopes of waste storages
    Water balances for "Infiltrate, Store, Evapotranspire’’ (ISE) covers and for impervious cover layers on mine waste storages
    The water balance for a dry ash dump
    Disposal of industrial waste liquids by evaporation and capillary storage in waste
    The role of soil heat G in evaporation of water from a soil
    Further points to consider
    Principles of the measuring weir

Chapter 11: Failures of Mine Waste Storages

    Failures: causes, consequences, characteristics
    Failures of hydraulic fill tailings storages caused by seismic events
    Flow failures caused by overtopping
    Failure caused by increasing pore pressure
    Failures caused by excessive rate of rise
    Failure caused by poor control of slurry relative density
    Post-failure profiles of hydraulic fill tailings storages
    Analysis of the motion of flow failures
    The effects of failure geometry on insurance rates
    Failures of dumps of coarse wastes
    Failures caused by collapse of tailings storages into subterranean caverns or underground workings
    Failures of impervious linings installed on steep slopes
    Methods for analysis of the stability of slopes
    Further points regarding the failure of slopes

Chapter 12: Surface Stability of Tailings Storages Slopes – Erosion Rates, Slope Geometry and Engineered Erosion Protection

    Past practice for slope angles of tailings storages
    Acceptable erosion rates for slopes
    Wind erosion compared with water erosion
    Acceptable slope geometry for tailings storages
    Protection of slopes against erosion by geotechnical means
    Special considerations applying to badly eroded abandoned or neglected tailings storages
    The effect of eroded tailings on the surroundings of a storage of sulphidic tailings
    Wind speed profiles, amplification factors and wind erosion
    Wind speed profiles over natural and constructed slopes
    Wind tunnel tests on model waste storages
    Erosion and deposition by wind on full size waste storages
    Analysis of particle movement in the wind
    Summary of points to be considered

Chapter 13: The Use of Mine Waste for Backfilling of Mining Voids and as a Construction Material

    Applications of backfilling
    Backfilling of shallow underground mine workings to stabilize the surface
    The properties of mine waste as a structural underground support in narrow stopes
    Measurements in situ of stresses and strains in fills at great depth
    Supporting narrow stopes with steel-reinforced granular tailings backfill
    The behaviour of steel mesh-reinforced square columns of cemented cyclone tailings underflow (grout packs)
    The use of geotextiles for temporary retention of backfill in narrow stopes during hydraulic placing
    The use of mine and industrial wastes in surface construction

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Geoffrey Blight completed his Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Civil Engineering at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg and his PhD at the Imperial College of Science and Technology in London. The early years of his career were spent at the South African National Building Research Institute, Pretoria, where he was engaged in research on design, operation and safety of mine waste storage facilities, including waste rock dumps and hydraulic fill tailings storage facilities. After the disastrous failure of a coal waste dump at Aberfan, U.K. in 1966, he was sent on a country-wide inspection tour of South African mines to make sure that no similarly threatening stability situations existed locally. Eleven years later, after the disastrous failure of a hydraulic fill tailings dam at Bafokeng, north of Johannesburg, he was asked by the mining industry to write a comprehensive guide to the design, operation and closure of mine waste storage facilities. This appeared in 1979 and has been revised and updated several times since. Geoff Blight re-joined the Department of Civil Engineering at Witwatersrand University in 1969 and the results of his continuing research and consulting work on mine waste have been widely published since. The present book has been developed from the updated mining industry guide as well as a series of post graduate courses in mine waste management that have been presented for many years. In addition to numerous technical papers published in refereed journals and conference proceedings, he is the editor and co-author of the book Mechanics of Residual Soil (Balkema, 1997) and author of Assessing Loads on Silos and Other Bulk storage Structures (Taylor and Francis 2006).

By: Geoffrey E Blight(Author)
652 pages, 20 b/w photos, 150 b/w illustrations, 20 tables
Publisher: CRC Press
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