Green Criminology embraces a wide and rapidly growing network of researchers and scholars around the world who are actively engaged in the study of environmental crime and ecological justice. Transgressions against humans, eco-systems, and animals constitute the main focus of Green Criminology and this new four-volume collection from Routledge provides an authoritative, one-stop reference work to make sense of the wide range of approaches, theories, and concepts that have informed its development and growth.
Themes covered in the collection include: the conceptual foundations of Green Criminology; victimization and offending; criminal-justice responses to environmental crime; and emerging environmental issues, such as climate change, that demand urgent criminological attention. Topics range from transnational environmental crimes, such as the illegal dumping of waste and illegal trade in wildlife, through to prosecution and sentencing in relation to environmental crimes. Each volume provides a provocative and stimulating showcase of criminological research, scholarship, and commentary dealing with the nature and dynamics of environmental crime. The volumes are structured to provide users with a strong sense of the theories, methodological approaches, conceptual innovations, and empirical research of Green Criminology. Together, they constitute an essential work of reference for anyone interested in social and environmental transformations and justice from a criminological perspective.
Volume I: Conceptual Foundations of Green Criminology
Part 1: Forging A Green Criminology
1. K. Eman, G. Meško, and G. B. Fields, ‘Crime Against the Environment: Green Criminology and Research Challenges in Slovenia’, Varstvoslovje: Journal of Criminal Justice and Security, 2009, 11, 4, 574–92.
2. M. Lynch, ‘The Greening of Criminology: A Perspective on the 1990s’, The Critical Criminologist, 1990, 2, 3, 1–4.
3. N. South, ‘A Green Field for Criminology?’, Theoretical Criminology, 1998, 2, 2, 211–33.
4. M. Lynch and P. Stretesky, ‘The Meaning of Green: Contrasting Criminological Perspectives’, Theoretical Criminology, 2003, 7, 2, 217–38.
5. R. White, ‘Environmental Issues and the Criminological Imagination’, Theoretical Criminology, 2003, 7, 4, 483–506.
6. M. Halsey, ‘Against "Green" Criminology’, British Journal of Criminology, 2004, 44, 6, 833–53.
Part 2: Conceptualizing Environmental Crime: Different Perspectives
8. F. J. W. Herbig and S. Joubert, ‘Criminological Semantics: Conservation Criminology—Vision or Vagary?’, Acta Criminologica, 2006, 19, 3, 88–103.
9. C. Gibbs, M. L. Gore, D. F. McGarrell and L. Rivers III, ‘Introducing Conservation Criminology: Towards Interdisciplinary Scholarship on Environmental Crimes and Risks’, British Journal of Criminology, 2010, 50, 1, 124–44.
10. A. Al-Damkhi, A. Khuraibet, S. Abdul-Wahab, and F. Al-Attar, ‘Toward Defining the Concept of Environmental Crime on the Basis of Sustainability’, Environmental Practice, 2009, 11, 2, 115–24.
11. V. Ruggiero and N. South, ‘Green Criminology and Dirty Collar Crime’, Critical Criminology, 2010, 18, 4, 251–62.
12. R. White, ‘Environmental Harm and the Political Economy of Consumption’, Social Justice, 2002, 29, 1/2, 82–102.
13. P. Lane, ‘Ecofeminism Meets Criminology’, Theoretical Criminology, 1998, 2, 2, 235–48.
14. L. Robyn, ‘State-Corporate Crime on the Navajo Nation: A Legacy of Uranium Mining’, Indigenous Policy Journal, 2011, XXII, 2, 1–15.
15. A. Brisman and N. South, ‘A Green-Cultural Criminology: An Exploratory Outline’, Crime Media Culture, 2012, 9, 1, 1–21.
16. A. Fitzgerald, and L. B. Baralt, ‘Media Constructions of Responsibility for the Production and Mitigation of Environmental Harms: The Case of Mercury-Contaminated Fish’, Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, 2010, 52, 4, 341–68.
17. L. Natali, ‘Exploring Environmental Activism: A Visual Qualitative Approach from an Eco-Global and Green-Cultural Criminological Perspective’, CRIMSOC: The Journal of Social Criminology, 2013, 1, 2, 64–100.
Part 3: Animal Abuse, Speciesism, and Green Criminology
18. R. Agnew, ‘Causes for Animal Abuse: A Social-Psychological Analysis’, Theoretical Criminology, 1998, 2, 2, 177–209.
19. P. Beirne, ‘For a Nonspeciesist Criminology: Animal Abuse as an Object of Study’, Criminology, 1999, 37, 1, 117–47.
20. G. Cazaux,‘Beauty and the Beast: Animal Abuse from a Non-Speciesist Criminological Perspective’, Crime, Law & Social Change, 1999, 31, 105–26.
21 . R. Sollund, ‘Expressions of Specieism: The Effects of Keeping Companion Animals on Animal Abuse, Animal Trafficking and Species Decline’, Crime, Law & Social Change, 2011, 55, 437–51.
22. P. Beirne, ‘Animal Abuse and Criminology: Introduction to Special Issue’, Crime, Law & Social Change, 2011, 55, 349–57.
Volume II: Environmental Crimes and Environmental Victims
Part 1: Environment and Wildlife Crime
23. T. Boekhout van Solinge, ‘Deforestation Crimes and Conflicts in the Amazon’, Critical Criminology, 2010, 18, 263–77.
24. L. Bisschop, ‘Out of the Woods: The Illegal Trade in Tropical Timber and a European Trade Hub’, Global Crime, 2012, 13, 3, 191–212.
25. M. Hauck, ‘Crime Environment and Power: Revisiting the Abalone Fishery’, South African Journal of Criminal Justice, 2009, 229–45.
26. A. Lemieux and R. Clarke, ‘The International Ban on Ivory Sales and its Effects on Elephant Poaching in Africa’, The British Journal of Criminology, 2009, 49, 1, 451–71.
27. A. C. Ngoc and T. Wyatt, ‘A Green Criminological Exploration of Illegal Wildlife Trade in Vietnam’, Asian Criminology, 2013, 8, 129–42.
28. S. R. Pires, ‘The Illegal Parrot Trade: A Literature Review’, Global Crime, 2012, 13, 3, 176–90.
29. S. Pires and R. Clarke, ‘Are Parrots CRAVED? An Analysis of Parrot Poaching in Mexico’, Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 2012, 49, 1, 122–46.
30. G. Enticott, ‘Techniques of Neutralising Wildlife Crime in Rural England and Wales’, Journal of Rural Studies, 2011, 27, 200–8.
31. C. Forsyth, R. Gramling, and G. Wooddell, ‘The Game of Poaching: Folk Crimes in Southwest Louisiana’, Society & Natural Resources: An International Journal, 1998, 11, 1, 25–38.
32. J. Kahler and M. Gore, ‘Beyond the Cooking Pot and Pocket Book: Factors Influencing Noncompliance with Wildlife Poaching Rules’, International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice, 2012, 1–18.
Part 2: Pollution and Waste
33. R. White, ‘Resource Extraction Leaves Something Behind: Environmental Justice and Mining’, International Journal for Crime and Justice, 2013, 2, 1, 50–64.
34. V. Ruggiero and N. South, ‘Toxic State-Corporate Crimes, Neo-Liberalism and Green Criminology: The Hazards and Legacies of the Oil, Chemical and Mineral Industries’, International Journal for Crime Justice and Social Democracy, 2013, 2, 3, 12–26.
35. M. Long, P. Stretesky, M. Lynch, and E. Fenwick, ‘Crime in the Coal Industry: Implications for Green Criminology and Treadmill of Production’, Organization & Environment, 2012, 25, 3, 328–46.
36. R. Walters, ‘Toxic Atmospheres Air Pollution, Trade and the Politics of Regulation’, Critical Criminology, 2010, 18, 307–23.
37. C. Gibbs, E. F. McGarrell, M. Axelrod, and L. Rivers III, ‘Conservation Criminology and the Global Trade in Electronic Waste: Applying a Multi-Disciplinary Research Framework’, International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice, 2011, 35, 4, 269–91.
38. L. Bisschop, ‘Is it all Going to Waste? Illegal Transports of E-waste in a European Trade Hub’, Crime, Law and Social Change, 2012, 58, 221–49.
39. N. Dorn, S. Van Daele, and T. Vander Beken, ‘Reducing Vulnerabilities to Crime of the European Waste Management Industry: The Research Base and the Prospects for Policy’, European Journal of Crime Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, 2007, 15, 1, 23–36.
Part 3: Environmental Victims and Victimization
40. C. Williams, ‘An Environmental Victimology’, Social Justice, 1996, 23, 4, 16–40.
41. S. Stephens, ‘Reflections on Environmental Justice: Children as Victims and Actors’, Social Justice, 1996, 23, 4, 62–86.
42. M. Hall, ‘Environmental Victims: Challenges for Criminology and Victimology in the 21st Century’, Journal of Criminal Justice and Security, 2011, 4, 371–91.
43. M. Jarrell and J. Ozymy, ‘Real Crime, Real Victims: Environmental Crime Victims and the Crime Victims’ Rights Act (CVRA)’, Crime Law and Social Change, 2012, 58, 4, 373–89.
44. D. C. Spencer and A. Fitzgerald, ‘Three Ecologies Transversality and Victimization: The Case of the British Petroleum Oil Spill’, Crime Law and Social Change, 2013, 59, 209–23.
Volume III: Criminal Justice Responses to Environmental Crime
Part 1: Environmental Law Enforcement
45. T. Shelley and M. Crow, ‘The Nature and Extent of Conservation Policing: Law Enforcement Generalists or Conservation Specialists?’, American Journal of Criminal Justice, 2009, 34, 1, 9–27.
46. K. Dighe and L. Pettus, ‘Environmental Justice in the Context of Environmental Crime’, United States Attorneys’ Bulletin, 2011, 59, 4, 3–14.
47. J. McMullan, and D. Perrier, ‘Lobster Poaching and the Ironies of Law Enforcement’, Law & Society Review, 2002, 36, 4, 679–720.
48. M. Wellsmith, ‘Wildlife Crime: The Problems of Enforcement’, European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 2011, 17, 2, 125–48.
49. A. Nurse, ‘Privatising the Green Police: The Role of NGOs in Wildlife Law Enforcement’, Crime, Law and Social Change, 2013, 59, 3, 305–18.
50. R. White, ‘NGO Engagement in Environmental Law Enforcement: Critical Reflections’, Australasian Policing: A Journal of Professional Practice and Research, 2012, 4, 1, 7–11.
Part 2: Environmental Crime Prevention
51. W. Huisman and J. Van Erp, ‘Opportunities for Environmental Crime: A Test of Situational Crime Prevention Theory, British Journal of Criminology, 2013, 1–23.
52. S. Pires and W. Moreto, ‘Preventing Wildlife Crimes: Solutions That Can Overcome the "Tragedy of the Commons"’, European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 2011, 17, 101–23.
53. J. Schneider, ‘Reducing the Illicit Trade in Endangered Wildlife: The Market Reduction Approach’, Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 2008, 24, 3, 274–95.
54. J. Ayling, ‘What Sustains Wildlife Crime? Rhino Horn Trading and the Resilience of Criminal Networks’, Journal of International Wildlife Law & Policy, 2013, 16, 1, 57–80.
55. P. Crofts, T. Morris, K. Wells, and A. Powell, ‘Illegal Dumping and Crime Prevention: A Case Study of Ash Road, Liverpool Council, New South Wales’, The Journal of Law and Social Justice, 2010, 5, 4, 1–23.
56. J. Ayling,‘Harnessing Third Parties for Transnational Environmental Crime Prevention’, Transnational Environmental Law, 2013, 2, 2, 339–62.
Part 3: Environmental Courts
57. P. de Prez, P, ‘Excuses, Excuses the Ritual Trivialisation of Environmental Prosecutions’, Journal of Environmental Law, 2000, 12, 1, 65–78.
58. W. Gray and J. Shimshack, ‘The Effectiveness of Environmental Monitoring and Enforcement: A Review of the Empirical Evidence’, Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, 2011, 5, 1, 3–24.
59. P. de Prez, ‘Beyond Judicial Sanctions: The Negative Impact of Conviction for Environmental Offences’, Environmental Law Review, 2000, 2, 11–22.
60. C. Fogel and J. Lipovsek, ‘Green Crime in the Canadian Courts: Issues and Controversies’, Journal of Politics and Law, 2013, 6, 2, 48–52.
61. F. H. Besthorn, ‘Restorative Justice and Environmental Restoration, Twin Pillars of a Just Global Environmental Policy: Hearing the Voice of the Victim’, Journal of Societal and Social Policy, 2004, 3, 2, 33–48.
62. B. Preston, ‘The Use of Restorative Justice for Environmental Crime’, Criminal Law Journal, 2011, 35, 136–45.
63. R. Walters and D. S. Westerhuis, ‘Green Crime and the Role of Environmental Courts’, Crime Law and Social Change, 2013, 59, 279–90.
64. R. White, ‘Environmental Crime and Problem-Solving Courts’, Crime, Law and Social Change, 2013, 1–12.
Volume IV: Horizon Issues for Green Criminology
Part 1: Green Criminology and Horizon Issues
65. R. White and D. Heckenberg, ‘Environmental Horizon Scanning and Criminological Theory and Practice’, European Journal of Criminal Policy and Research, 2011, 17, 2, 87–100.
66. R. Walters, ‘Crime, Bio-Agriculture and the Exploitation of Hunger’, British Journal of Criminology, 2006, 46, 26–45.
67. M. Larkins, C. Gibbs, and L. Rivers III, ‘Confined Animal Feeding Operations’, CRIMSOC The Journal of Social Criminology, 2013, 1, 2, 10–63.
68. P. Martin and R. Walters, ‘Fraud Risk and the Visibility of Carbon’, International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy, 2013, 2, 27–42.
69. R. E. Narag, J. Pizarro, and C. Gibbs, ‘Lead Exposure and its Implications for Criminological Theory’, Criminal Justice and Behavior, 2009, 36, 9, 954–73.
70. P. Higgins, D. Short, and N. South, ‘Protecting the Planet: A Proposal for a Law of Ecocide’, Crime Law and Social Change, 2013, 59, 3, 251–66.
Part 2: Transnational Crimes and Climate Change
71. E. Cifuentes and H. Frumkin, ‘Environmental Injustice: Case Studies from the South’, Environmental Research Letters, 2007, 2, 1–9.
72. D. Freidrichs and J. Freidrichs, ‘The World Bank and Crimes of Globalization: A Case Study’, Social Justice, 2002, 29, 1–2, 13–36.
73. M. Lynch, R. Burns, and P. Stretesky, ‘Global Warming and State-Corporate Crime: The Politicalization of Global Warming Under the Bush Administration’, Crime, Law and Social Change, 2010, 54, 213–39.
74. D. Mares, ‘Climate Change and Crime: Monthly Temperature and Precipitation Anomalies and Crime Rates in St. Louis, MO 1990–2009’, Crime, Law and Social Change, 2013, 59, 185–208.
75. R. Agnew, ‘Dire Forecast: A Theoretical Model of the Impact of Climate Change on Crime’, Theoretical Criminology, 2011, 16, 1, 21–42
76. M. Davila, J. W. Marquart, and J. L. Mullings, ‘Beyond Mother Nature: Contractor Fraud in the Wake of Natural Disasters’, Deviant Behavior, 2005, 26, 271–93.
77. S. Caneppele, M. Riccardi, and P. Standridge, ‘Green Energy and Black Economy: Mafia Investments in the Wind Power Sector in Italy’, Crime Law Social Change, 2013, 59, 3, 319–39.
78. N. South and T. Wyatt, ‘Comparing Illicit Trades in Wildlife and Drugs: An Exploratory Study’, Deviant Behaviour, 2011, 32, 538–61.
Part 3: Politics and Struggles over Knowledge
79. F. Adeola, ‘Cross-National Environmental Injustice and Human Rights Issues: A Review of Evidence in the Developing World’, American Behavioral Scientist, 2000, 43, 4, 686–706.
80. R. Clark, ‘Environmental Disputes and Human Rights Violations: A Role for Criminologists’, Contemporary Justice Review, 2009, 12, 2, 129–46.
81. L. Waldman, ‘When Social Movements Bypass the Poor: Asbestos Pollution, International Litigation and Griqua Cultural Identity’, Journal of Southern African Studies, 2007, 33, 3, 577–600.
82. A. Brisman, ‘The Violence of Silence: Some Reflections on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-Making, and Access to Justice in Matters Concerning the Environment’, Crime Law and Social Change, 2013, 59, 3, 291–303.
83. D. Whyte, ‘All That Glitters Isn’t Gold: Environmental Crimes and the Production of Local Criminological Knowledge’, Crime Prevention and Community Safety: An International Journal, 2004, 6, 1, 53–63.
Edited and with a new introduction by Rob White, University of Tasmania, Australia.