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Features new to this edition are: substantially revised sections on floriculture production and marketing; a reference of careers in the greenhouse industry; numerous original photographs as well as completely new graphs and charts; an updated chapter on "Marketing" reflecting current market developments; and expanded information on the social and environmental movements within the floriculture trade.
1. Floriculture -- A Dynamic Industry. 2. Greenhouse Construction. 3. Greenhouse Heating. 4. Greenhouse Cooling. 5. Environmental Control Systems. 6. Root Substrate. 7. Root Substrate Pasteurization. 8. Watering. 9. Fertilization. 10. Alternative Cropping System. 11. Carbon Dioxide Fertilization. 12. Light and Temperature. 13. Chemical Growth Regulation. 14. Insect Control. 15. Disease Control. 16. Postproduction Quality. 17. Marketing. 18. Business Management. Glossary. Index.
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