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International Zoo Yearbook 46: New World Primates

Series: International Zoo Yearbooks Volume: 46
By: Fiona A Fisken(Editor), Anthony B Rylands(Introduction By), Gustl Anzenberger(Introduction By)
495 pages, b/w photos, b/w illustrations, tables
International Zoo Yearbook 46: New World Primates
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Price: £49.99
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About this book

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This is the third volume of the International Zoo Yearbook dedicated to these primates, 40 years on from the first New World Primate volume in 1972. It starts with a brief review of the taxonomy, so changed since 1972. The initial idea was to have conservation status reviews of the countries or regions. The task, relatively easy in 1982, is now too onerous with the enormous amount of information available and the complexity of the issues. Meanwhile, the situations described in the 1982 reviews have not really changed in essence, only in degree. The destruction of the Amazon forests, for example, proceeds apace. In 1972, the Brazilian Amazon was estimated to have lost about 1% of its forest, now more than 20% has been lost – but the destruction is not uniform. Ecuador has suffered most particularly through highway construction, colonization and petroleum drilling, and the report by de la Torre (2012) is severely disturbing, with 20 of its 21 primate species and subspecies now found to be nationally threatened or near threatened. Thirty years on the balance for the Atlantic forest has been positive overall. The extraordinary upsurge of conservation non-governmental organizations in the Atlantic forest, its listing as a Biosphere Reserve (1992–1993) and the expansion of the protected-areas system mean that now a large proportion of the remaining forest is protected. There are ongoing long-term programmes to protect the most threatened primates there, supported by zoos and zoo associations, using them as flagship species to promote a conservation ethic and protect wide expanses of the forests where they live.

The first two articles in Volume 46 have their predecessors in 1972 and 1982, but the rest really do not and that paradoxical expression ‘quantum leap’ comes to mind. They bring to the Yearbook clear examples, perhaps just glimpses, of the extraordinary progress in our understanding.

The second half of this volume has the regular contributions on developments in the zoo world. There is also an extra section on gibbon conservation in this year's volume.


- A dedication – Devra G. Kleiman / J. J. C. Mallinson   1–3

- Introduction: New World Primates / Anthony B. Rylands, Gustl Anzenberger   4–10
- Neotropical primates: taxonomy and recently described species and subspecies / A. B. Rylands, R. A. Mittermeier, J. S. Silva Jr   11–24
- Conservation of Neotropical primates: Ecuador – a case study / S. de la Torre   25–35
- The Golden lion tamarin Leontopithecus rosalia: a conservation success story / M. C. M. Kierulff, C. R. Ruiz-Miranda, P. Procópio de Oliveira, B. B. Beck, A. Martins, J. M. Dietz, D. M. Rambaldi, A. J. Baker   36–45
- The international conservation programme for the White-footed tamarin Saguinus leucopus in Colombia / E. Bairrão Ruivo, D. Wormell   46–55
- Conserving Cotton-top tamarins Saguinus oedipus through effective captive management, public engagement and in situ conservation efforts / A. Savage, R. Guillen   56–70
- Yellow-breasted capuchin Cebus xanthosternos: support by zoos for its conservation – a success story / J. -M. Lernould, M. C. M. Kierulff, G. Canale   71–79
- Owl monkeys Aotus spp. in the wild and in captivity / E. Fernandez-Duque   80–94
- Reproductive characteristics of New World monkeys / R. D. Martin   95–108
- Monogamy and family life in callitrichid monkeys: deviations, social dynamics and captive management / G. Anzenberger, B. Falk   109–122
- Managing free-ranging callitrichids in zoos / E. C. Price, D. Wormell, M. Brayshaw, S. Furrer, T. Heer, H. W. Steinmetz   123–136
- Free-ranging New World primates in zoos: cebids at Apenheul / W. Jens, C. A. X. Mager-Melicharek, F. E. Rietkerk   137–149
- Mixed-species exhibition of Neotropical primates: analysis of species combination success / H. M. Buchanan-Smith   150–163
- Hand-rearing and reintroduction of Woolly monkey Lagothrix lagotricha at Monkey World – Ape Rescue Centre, UK / H. A. Barnes, A. Cronin   164–174
- Reintroduction of a neonatal Woolly monkey Lagothrix lagotricha at Monkey World – Ape Rescue Centre, UK, following separation from mother by dominant male at birth / H. A. Barnes   175–180

- Management of White-naped pheasant pigeon Otidiphaps nobilis aruensis at Barcelona Zoo / M. Sierra   181–188
- Using biometric measurements to predict the gender of Chilean flamingos Phoenicopterus chilensis at Dublin Zoo / P. Phillips, L. Mc Dermott   189–194
- Serum iron metabolites in an opportunistic sample of different captive primate species / Scientific Writing Experience at the European Association of Zoo and Wildlife Veterinarians 2010 Student Summer School   195–200
- Introduction of Asiatic golden cat Catopuma temminckii at Taronga Conservation Society Australia / D. Olsen   201–208
- Analysis of the European captive Southern white rhinoceros Ceratotherium simum simum population using the International Studbook for the African White Rhinoceros (2001–2004) and integrating reproductive health findings / C. E. Reid, L. Versteege, A. Ludwig, R. Hermes   209–220
- Hand-rearing Rothschild or Baringo giraffe Giraffa camelopardalis rothschildi calves at Bioparc Valencia, Spain, and Leipzig Zoo, Germany / M. Casares, A. Bernhard, C. Gerique, E. Malo, D. Carbonell   221–231
- Research in African zoos: stepping up to the plate? / A. Kotze, D. Morgan   232–238

- Gibbons: probably the most endangered primates in the world / V. A. Melfi   239–240
- Ex situ gibbon conservation: status, management and birth sex ratios / V. A. MELFI   241–251
- The role of sanctuaries in integrated conservation: the Endangered Asian Species Trust linking Monkey World – Ape Rescue, UK and Pingtung Rescue Centre, Taiwan, with the Dao Tien Endangered Primate Species Centre in Vietnam / M. KENYON, A. CRONIN, KURTIS JAI-CHYI PEI, TRAN VAN THANH   252–258
- The status of the Hainan gibbon Nomascus hainanus and the Eastern black gibbon Nomascus nasutus / A. R. MOOTNICK, B. P. L. CHAN, P. MOISSON, T. NADLER   259–264
- Proposed guidelines for in situ gibbon rescue, rehabilitation and reintroduction / S. M. CHEYNE, C. O. CAMPBELL, K. L. PAYNE   265–281

- Zoos and Aquariums of the World   282–438
- Index to List of Zoos and Aquariums of the World   439–455
- International Studbooks for Rare Species of Wild Animals in Captivity   456–480
- Author Index to Volume 46   481–482
- Subject Index to Volume 46   483–495

Customer Reviews

Series: International Zoo Yearbooks Volume: 46
By: Fiona A Fisken(Editor), Anthony B Rylands(Introduction By), Gustl Anzenberger(Introduction By)
495 pages, b/w photos, b/w illustrations, tables
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