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International Zoo Yearbook 40: Elephants and Rhinoceroses

Series: International Zoo Yearbooks Volume: 40
By: Fiona A Fisken(Editor)
532 pages, b/w photos, b/w illustrations, tables
International Zoo Yearbook 40: Elephants and Rhinoceroses
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About this book

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The main focus of the articles presented in this volume is the conservation, reproduction and management of elephants and rhinoceros, both in situ and ex situ. Following general introductions, detailed descriptions are given of, for example, the reproductive biology of elephants, and the behavioural and endocrinological parameters that may impact captive-breeding attempts. Human–elephant interactions and concerns are also described. Overviews of the conservation status of rhinoceros in Africa and Asia, and behaviour of rhinoceros and its implications for captive management and conservation are provided. The reproductive physiology of the Family is also described. Long-term conservation initiatives are presented, with a description of an integrated management strategy in Kenya and a review of co-operative population management in captivity. Finally the diets of elephants and rhinoceros in zoos are discussed.

Several articles then address captive breeding in other species, such as the Kihansi spray toad, Bali starling, Dibbler and the Giant river otter. There is some discussion about enclosure layout and plantings in primate exhibits. The volume also contains essential reference material, including the list of Zoos and Aquariums of the World and the list of International Studbooks.


- A brief review of the status, distribution and biology of wild Asian elephants Elephas maximus / R. SUKUMAR   1–8
- African elephants Loxodonta africana and human-elephant interactions: implications for conservation / P. C. LEE, M. D. GRAHAM   9–19
- Aspects of the reproductive biology and breeding management of Asian and African elephants Elephas maximus and Loxodonta africana / T. B. HILDEBRANDT, F. GÖRITZ, R. HERMES, C. REID, M. DEHNHARD, J. L. BROWN   20–40
- Behavioural and endocrinological parameters of female African and Asian elephants Loxodonta africana and Elephas maximus in the peripartal period / K. SZDZUY, M. DEHNHARD, G. STRAUSS, K. EULENBERGER, H. HOFER   41–50
- A review of injuries caused by elephants in captivity: an examination of predominant factors / M. GORE, M. HUTCHINS, J. RAY   51–62
- Erratum: A review of injuries caused by elephants in captivity: an examination of predominant factors   62
- Concepts in the care and welfare of captive elephants / J. VEASEY   63–79
- Population management of zoo elephants / R. J. WIESE, K. WILLIS   80–87
- Feeding Asian and African elephants Elephas maximus and Loxodonta africana in captivity / J.-M. HATT, M. CLAUSS   88–95
- An overview of the conservation status of and threats to rhinoceros species in the wild / R. AMIN, K. THOMAS, R. H. EMSLIE, T. J. FOOSE, N. VAN STRIEN   96–117
- An integrated management strategy for the conservation of Eastern black rhinoceros Diceros bicornis michaeli in Kenya / R. AMIN, B. OKITA-OUMA, K. ADCOCK, R. H. EMSLIE, M. MULAMA, P. PEARCE-KELLY   118–129
- A review of the reproductive physiology of rhinoceros species in captivity / T. L. ROTH   130–143
- Operant-conditioning programme for White rhinoceros, Black rhinoceros and Indian or Greater one-horned Asian rhinoceros Ceratotherium simum, Diceros bicornis and Rhinoceros unicornis at Whipsnade Wild Animal Park, Dunstable, UK / M. D. HOLDEN, J. GREGORY, V. WATKINS, L. RADFORD   144–149
- Rhinoceros behaviour: implications for captive management and conservation / M. HUTCHINS, M. D. KREGER   150–173
- Population management of rhinoceros in captivity / T. J. FOOSE, R. J. WIESE   174–196
- The feeding of rhinoceros in captivity / M. CLAUSS, J.-M. HATT   197–209
- The EAZA Rhino Campaign / C. DEAN, C. A. BOS   210–217

- Aquarium design for the Portuguese man-of-war Physalia physalis / J. PIERCE   221–231
- Husbandry and reproduction of Whitetip reef sharks Triaenodon obesus at Steinhart Aquarium, San Francisco / P. SCHALLER   232–240
- Captive-breeding programme for the Kihansi spray toad Nectophrynoides asperginis at the Wildlife Conservation Society, Bronx, New York / S. LEE, K. ZIPPEL, L. RAMOS, J. SEARLE   241–253
- Breeding and hand-rearing Storm's storks Ciconia stormi at the Zoological Society of San Diego / M. MACE, W. RANGER, E. LEWINS, D.-M. ATALLIAN, M. FARLEY   254–260
- Hand-rearing Greater flamingos Phoenicopterus ruber roseus for translocation from WWT Slimbridge to Auckland Zoo / M. BATTY, N. S. JARRETT, N. FORBES, M. J. BROWN, S. STANDLEY, T. RICHARDSON, S. OLIVER, B. IRELAND, K. P. CHALMERS, I. FRASER   261–270
- Reproduction of Bali starlings Leucopsar rothschildi at Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust, Jersey / T. M. WILLIAMS, A. T. C. FEISTNER   271–289
- Husbandry and breeding of the Dibbler Parantechinus apicalis at Perth Zoo / C. LAMBERT, H. MILLS   290–301
- Hand-rearing a Potto Perodicticus potto at Franklin Park Zoo, Boston / H. D. BUCKANOFF, C. FREDERICK, H. WESTON MURPHY   302–312
- Chimpanzee Forest exhibit at Chester Zoo / S. WEHNELT, S. BIRD, A. LENIHAN   313–322
- Analysis of factors that affect maternal behaviour and breeding success in great apes in captivity / M. T. ABELLO, M. COLELL   323–340
- Review of the use of herb gardens and medicinal plants in primate exhibits in zoos / D. COUSINS   341–350
- Influence of nutrition on the quality of semen in Jaguars Panthera onca in Brazilian zoos / R. C. RODRIGUES DA PAZ, R. MORATO GONÇALVES, A. C. CARCIOFI, M. A. B. V. GUIMARÃES, C. PESSUTI, E. FERRAZ SANTOS, F. FERREIRA, R. C. BARNABE   351–359
- Reproduction, behaviour and biology of the Giant river otter Pteronura brasiliensis at Cali Zoo / G. CORREDOR LONDOÑO, N. TIGREROS MUÑOZ   360–371
- Developing models for mother–infant behaviour in Black rhinoceros and Reticulated giraffe Diceros bicornis michaeli and Giraffa camelopardalis reticulata at Brookfield Zoo, Illinois / T. V. GREENE, S. P. MANNE, L. M. REITER   372–378

- Zoos and aquariums of the world   381–482
- Index to list of zoos and aquariums of the world   483–495
- Associations   496–499
- International studbooks for rare species of wild animals in captivity   500–516
- Appendix 1: taxonomic authorities consulted in the Yearbook   517–518
- Author index to Volume 40   519–520
- Subject index to Volume 40   521–527
- Instructions for authors   528–531

Customer Reviews

Series: International Zoo Yearbooks Volume: 40
By: Fiona A Fisken(Editor)
532 pages, b/w photos, b/w illustrations, tables
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