This latest volume of Subcellular Biochemistry focuses on the biochemistry of the intracellular parasite, including Leishmania, Tryponosoma Cruzi, malarial parasites, and Coccidia.
- The Leishmania; S.M.B. Jeronimo, R.D. Pearson
- Membrane Proteins and Enzymes of Leishmania; P. Schneider, et al.
- The Lipophosphoglycan of Leishmania; S.J. Turco
- Role of T Cells in Immunity to the Intracellular Pathogen, Leishmania major; R.G. Titus, et al.
- Molecular Karyotype Analysis in Leishmania; P. Bastien, et al.
- Intracellular Digestion of Endocytosed Proteins as a Source of Amino Acids for Protein Synthesis in Trypanosoma cruzi; J.L. Avila
- Energy Metabolism in Trypanosoma cruzi; J.J. Cazzulo
- Malarial Lipids; H.J. Vial, M.L.
- Ancelin Genetic Analysis of Malaria Parasites; B. Fenton, D. Walliker
- How Toxoplasma gondii Gets In and Out of Host Cells; J.D. Schwartzman, L.D. Saffer
- Biochemical and Ultrastructural Observations of Coccidian Parasite and Host Cell Interactions; M.W. White, et al.
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