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Macroengineering: An Environmental Restoration Management Process provides a comprehensive understanding of all the technical, cost, and regulatory issues that an environmental project manager would potentially face on a large scale environmental restoration project. The author addresses unique technical issues encountered during DOD and DOE environmental cleanup efforts, such as radionuclide contamination, unexploded ordinance, heavy metals, and other common contaminants. References the most recent regulations and practices in environmental cleanup projects, the book also includes useful charts and tables and serves both as a classroom text and a professional reference.
MACROENGINEERING AS AN INTEGRAL ENVIRONMENTAL RESTORATION MANAGEMENT PROCESS - INTRODUCTIONPREPARATION OF PRECONCEPTUAL ENGINEERING BASELINE STUDYMACROENGINEERING TECHNICAL APPROACHESContamination Soil/Source Area Site Environmental Restoration ApproachesMining-Oriented Macroengineering ApproachIndustrial Engineering Type of Macroengineering SystemContained Management ApproachGroundwater Remediation ApproachesASSESSING INNOVATIVE TECHNIQUES AND INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIESIndependent Technology SurveyTechnology Risk AssessmentSITE CHARACTERIZATIONHydrologic InvestigationsSoil and Sediment InvestigationsData Quality ObjectivesGeophysical InvestigationsDISCUSSION ON Mobile Laboratory RequirementsPhysical Structure RequirementsSpecific Requirements Related to Instruments and Analytical CapabilitiesAnalysis ProcessQuality Assurance/Quality ControlREGULATORY STRATEGYMacroengineering ApproachSpecial Waste/Remediation ConcernsApplicable or Relevant and Appropriate Requirements (ARARs)Review of RCRA Corrective Action Regulatory InitiativesReview of Natural Attenuation RemedyESTABLISHING CLEANUP OBJECTIVES AND NATURAL RESOURCE DAMAGESMacroengineering CleanupsNatural Resource Damage AssessmentsRISK ASSESSMENT AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE ANALYSISGeneral DiscussionStandard Superfund Baseline Risk Assessment PracticesPopulation Risk AnalysisEmergency Response AnalysisESTABLISHING PROJECT HAZARDS AND SAFETY CONTROL MEASURESInorganic ChemicalsOrganic CompoundsOperational Chemicals/Hazard Communication ProgramRadiological HazardsUnexploded Ordnance (UXO)Physical HazardsPersonnel Protection EquipmentSite Control and Work ZonesDecontaminationCOST, PRODUCTIVITY AND SCHEDULING ISSUESContracting OptionsDeveloping Cost and Schedule EstimatesProductivity, Cost and Schedule IssuesCost Estimate AllowancesSummary
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