Economic Geology focuses not only on the nature and origin of ore deposits but also explores the economic issues that surround the exploitation of mineral resources. Topics of particular focus in Metals and Society are the rate of exploitation of natural resources, the question of when or if these resources will be exhausted, the pollution and social disturbance that accompanies mining, the compromises and challenges that arise from the explosion of demand from China, India and other rapidly developing countries, and the moral issues that surround mining of metals in lesser developed countries for consumption in the "first-world" countries. With its dual character, Metals and Society is useful as an introductory text for students in earth sciences and a reference volume for students, teachers and researchers of geography, economics and social sciences.
1. Introduction to economic geology
2. Classification, distribution and uses of ores and ore deposits
3. Magmatic ore deposits
4. Hydrothermal deposits
5. Deposits formed by sedimentary and surficial processes
6. Economic geology in the future
Prof. Dr. Nicholas Arndt is a University of Grenoble Professor. Clément Ganino teaches at the University of Nice