Ned Smith created hundreds of paintings and drawings for the Pennsylvania Game Commission, including those that illustrated his popular Game News column 'Gone for the Day'. His work also has appeared in Sports Afield, National Wildlife, Field & Stream, and other publications. The Ned Smith Center for Nature and Art in Millersburg is now home to much of his original artwork. The long association between Ned Smith and the Pennsylvania Game News, which spanned some 35 years, resulted in a treasure trove of beloved and breathtaking wildlife art. Collected here for the first time are full-size reproductions of every Game News cover Smith ever created -- 121 in all, including both the 25th and 50th anniversary issues. Prized by collectors, remembered fondly by generations of sportsmen and -women, each cover captures the magic of being outdoors in Pennsylvania, winter, spring, summer, and fall. Includes a behind-the-scenes look at Ned Smith at work written by Scott Weidensaul and candid photos of the artist and his work.