This latest addition to the prestigious Systematics Association Special Volumes series is the first extensive compilation of the patterns of plant biodiversity in the species-rich savannas and seasonally dry forests of the neotropics. This overview also summarizes what is known of the evolutionary history of these ecosystems, including links to the development of analogous vegetation in Africa. Its focus on plant biodiversity and the molecular phylogenies and molecular population genetics for uncovering the biogeographic history of these ecosystems differentiates this work from previously published titles that mainly emphasized the ecology and physiology of the vegetation.
An Overview of the Plant Diversity, Biogeographyand Conservation of Neotropical Savannas and Seasonally Dry Forests; R. Toby Pennington, Gwilym P. Lewis and James A. RatterBiodiversity Patterns of the Woody Vegetation of the Brazilian Cerrados; James A. Ratter, Samuel Bridgewater and J. Felipe RibeiroObservations on the Southern Cerrados and their Relationship with the Core Area; Giselda DuriganPhytogeography of Cerrado Sensu Stricto and Land System Zoning in Central Brazil; Jeanine Maria Felfili, Maria Cristina Felfili, Christopher William Fagg, Alba Val?ria Rezende, Paulo Ernane Nogueira, and Manoel Cl?udio da Silva J.niorFlora and Vegetation of the Venezuelan Llanos: A Review; Otto Huber, Rodrigo Duno de Stefano, Gerardo Aymard and Ricarda RiinaThe Brazilian Caatinga: Phytogeographical Patterns Inferred from Distribution Data of the Leguminosae; Luciano Paganucci de QueirozFloristic Relationships of Seasonally Dry Forests of Eastern South America Based on Tree Species Distribution Patterns; Ary T. Oliveira-Filho, Jo?o Andr? Jarenkow, Maria Jesus Nogueira RodalBiogeography of the Forests of the Paraguay-Paran? Basin; Rodolphe Spichiger, Bastian Bise, Cl?ment Calenge, and Cyrille ChatelainThe Chiquitano Dry Forest, the Transition Between Humid and Dry Forest in Eastern Lowland Bolivia; Timothy J. Killeen, Ezequial Chavez, Marielos Pe?a-Claros, Marisol Toledo, Luzmila Arroy, Judith Caballero, Lisete Correa, Ren? Guill?n, Roberto Quevedo,Mario Saldias, Liliana Soria, Yn?s Uslar, Israel Vargas and Marc SteiningerInter-Andean Dry Valleys of Bolivia - Floristic Affinities and Patterns of Endemism: Insights from Acanthaceae, Asclepiadaceae and Labiatae; John R. I. WoodPhytogeography and Floristics of Seasonally Dry Tropical Forests in Peru; Reynaldo Linares-PalominoSeasonally Dry Forests of Southern Ecuador in a Continental Context: Insights from Legumes; Gwilym P. Lewis, Bente B. Klitgaard and Brian D. SchrireMexican and Central American Seasonally Dry Tropical Forests: Chamela-Cuixmala, Jalisco, as a Focal Point for Comparison; Emily J. Lott and Thomas H. AtkinsonWhat Determines Dry Forest Conservation in Mesoamerica? Opportunism and Pragmatism in Mexican and Nicaraguan Protected Areas; James E. Gordon, Evan Bowen-Jones and Marco Antonio Gonz?lezBotanical and Ecological Basis for the Resilience of Antillean Dry Forests; Ariel E. Lugo, Ernesto Medina, J. Carlos Trejo-Torres, and Eileen HelmerDiversity, Biogeography and Conservation of Woody Plants in Tropical Dry Forest of South Florida; Thomas W. GillespieThe Late Quaternary Biogeographical History of South American Seasonally Dry Tropical Forests: Insights from Palaeo-Ecological Data; Francis E. MaylePopulation Genetics and Inference of Ecosystem History: An Example Using Two Neotropical Seasonally Dry Forest Species; Y. Naciri-Graven, S. Caetano, R.T. Pennington and R. SpichigerFloristic and Geographical Stability of Discontinuous Seasonally Dry Tropical Fore