Network Economics of Marine Ecosystems and Their Exploitation addresses the question of the double exposure of marine ecosystems, i.e. to both global climate changes and economic globalization. The book contains a short, but self sufficient mathematical introduction, the formalization in the context of Network economics of global commodity chains, with both trophic and economic processes, and a series of cases studies, going from the re-addressing of fundamental ecological questions such as Gause's exclusion principles to practical studies such as the representation of the global supply chain for tuna.
Climate changes, globalization and Network Economics
An illustrated introduction to networks from the Network Economics perspective
The Network Economics approach to the equilibrium and dynamics in ecology and economics
Part II: Mathematical background
A soft presentation of the mathematics of equilibrium and optimization
Networks economics approaches to the equilibrium of ecological and economic systems
About the equilibrium of trophic and ecological networks
About the equilibrium of economic networks
Applications of Network Economics to marine systems
About the Gause’s exclusion principle
About the Peruvian puzzle
Ecological controls in the Chilean coastal ecosystem
Fishing under finance
Futures of the worldwide fish supply chains
The spatial behaviour of the Atlantic blue fin tuna
The coexistence of small and big fish
About equilibrium and dynamics in ecology and economics
Algorithms for variational inequalities and complementarity problems
Utility, prices and equilibrium