Deals with forestry issues from an Australian perspective.
"New Forests" goes well beyond simply growing commercial tree plantations for wood production. It is about new forests that can supply environmental services such as salinity mitigation and carbon sequestration together with commercial wood production in an environment beyond the boundaries of traditional forestry. It is based on knowledge acquired from 15 years of trials in the Murray-Darling Basin conducted by the Trees for Profit Research Centre and other major initiatives by CSIRO in collaboration with relevant agencies. "New Forests" targets agricultural landscapes affected by salinity and which generally have rainfall less than 650 mm per year. The book addresses vital issues such as where tree planting might best be pursued, what species and technologies should be used for establishment and later management, how productivity can be improved, what mix of environmental services and commercial goods is optimum, and whether the likely net benefits justify the change in land use and requisite investment.