On a Sustainable Future of Earth's Natural Resources is divided into three sections with individual chapters contributed by experts on different facets of earth sciences, natural resources, management and related issues.
The first section focuses on the status of Earth's resources; land, water, biota and atmosphere. Reviews on rate of exploitation and the need to conserve these resources for future sustenance are also covered in this section. The following section includes chapters elucidating environmental, ecological, climatological and anthropological pressures on the nourishment with earth resources. The last section describes management practices, issues and perspectives on sociological, legal, administrative, ICT and strategical efforts that need to be implemented for the sustenance of earth resources.
This book covers a broad spectrum of earth's resources and sustenance giving a comprehensive perspective on past, present and future of earth's resources.
- Future perspectives in Earth Science
- Geosphere
- Hydrosphere
- Biosphere
- Energy
- Palaeoenvironment
- Environmental Issues and Sustenance
- Novel methods addressing sustenance and conservation