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In the struggle against global warming the acute and immediate threats to secure energy supplies tend to be pushed aside. Indeed, the world's ceaselessly growing thirst for energy - mostly in the form of oil, gas and coal - is depicted as the villain of the piece, the chief enemy of greater eventual climate security. Not so, say David Howell and Carole Nakhle in their provocative new book. On the contrary, the two great concerns - energy security now and climate security in the years to come - are interwoven and completely dependent on each other. Unless they are tackled together, and past mistakes corrected, short term energy chaos could undermine all long term hopes.
Customer Reviews
David Howell (Lord Howell of Guildford) was Secretary of State for Energy and later for Transport in the Conservative governments during the 1980s. He is now Shadow Deputy Leader of the House of Lords and Shadow Spokesman for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs. Carole Nakhle is Energy Research Fellow at the University of Surrey, where she obtained her MSc in Finance Studies and her PhD in Energy Economics. A graduate of the University of Saint Joseph, Beirut, she also works as a petroleum analyst.
Out of Print
By: David Howell and Carole Nakhle
204 pages, b&w photos
'A terrific book, not least because of its topicality. I am fed up with reading about climate change with only pious references to what might be done about it. Here is a practical politician grappling with that question in some detail.' Simon Jenkins, journalist and author 'A serious and thoughtful attempt to grapple with the complexities of the energy challenge and foreign policy. The authors carefully distinguish between the immediacy of the energy security problem and the longer term issue of climate change. They are prepared to take clear stands on controversial issues, such as "peak oil" and the science of climate change, not to mention American foreign policy. They are also remarkably direct regarding Europe's energy vulnerabilities but appropriately dismissive of the pursuit of "energy independence".' - James R. Schlesinger, former US Secretary of Defense and Energy Secretary and now head of a White House Task force on energy policy'A week ago the government published a white paper entitled "Meeting the Energy Challenge". It was followed this week by a slimmer but much more readable volume, Out of the Energy Labyrinth...there is one way in which Out of The Energy Labyrinth scores over nearly every other study. The authors distinguish between the immediate need "for greater energy security worldwide" and the "search for a low-carbon future", with the former taking priority.' Samuel Brittan, Financial Times