Language: Chinese with scientific nomenclature
This book describes 106 species belonging to 39 genera, 5 families, and 3 orders of fossil rodents and lagomorphs (together forming the clade Glires). For each genus, this volume provides identification characteristics, place of origin and stratum, problems found by the editor during the compilation process, and comments on the understanding of the taxonomic level. The classification above the genus level has a summary of the research history, existing problems, etc. The book also gives a comprehensive introduction to the research history and latest progress of the macroorders of rodents. The book contains 162 fossil photos and illustrations.
Summary in Chinese:
Palaeovertebrata Sinica, Volume 3: Basal Synapsids and Mammals, Fascicle 4 (Serial no. 17): Glires I: Duplicidentata, Simplicidentata-Mixodontia 本册志书是对2017年以前发现并发表的中国双门齿中目与单门齿中目中的混齿目化石的系统厘定与总结。书中包括了3目5科39属106种。各属种均有鉴别特征、产地与层位、编者在编写过程中发现的问题以及对该分类阶元认识的评述。科级以上分类都有研究历史、存在的问题等的综述。书中对啮型动物大目以及双门齿中目和单门齿中目中混齿目的研究历史与最新进展也有较全面的介绍。书中附有162幅化石照片或插图。