The Proceedings of the 7th Petroleum Geology Conference is the seventh in a series that has become a tradition known as the Barbican conferences. They started life over 35 years ago, in 1974, with a focus solely on North-West Europe, and have a reputation, both from the conferences and the accompanying proceedings volumes, of being at the forefront of petroleum geoscience; the standard reference for successive generations of petroleum geoscientists.
North-West Europe has matured as a petroleum province and, at the same time, the conference series has matured to be a truly global event. These proceedings embrace many of the worlds petroleum provinces in a two-volume set. There are sections on Europe (exploration, field development and production techniques in exploration exploitation) which still provides the heart of the proceedings; Russia, the former Soviet Union and Circum-Arctic; North Africa and the Middle East; Passive Margins; and Unconventional Hydrocarbon Resources.
In addition, the three Geocontroversies debates, highly acclaimed at the conference, are included, as is a summary of the Core Workshop. A DVD complements the books and, in addition to providing electronic versions of all the papers also includes selected posters and video clips from the Virtual Field Trip session; the latter being a major success at the conference.
The proceedings volumes of this seventh conference, Petroleum Geology, are therefore a must for every petroleum geoscientists bookshelf.