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This indepth work of Buxa Tiger Reserve which deals with various facets of background political history, management history, various biotic and abiotic factors, problem, peoples' dependence on forests also suggest some remedial measures. Ecodevelopment, improved P.A. management, awareness, research, monitoring etc. have been discussed and achievement analysed. It is hoped this case study will act as a `Model' for future such studies in most of the Tiger Reserves.
Contents: Foreword. Preface. I. Background information: 1. Project Tiger Reserves (Tiger-Panthera tigris tigris Linn.). 2. Twenty years of the project. II. Resources-a status survey of some tiger reserves of India: 3. Floristic bonanza as detailed by Botanical Survey of India (BSI). 4. Fauntistic bonanza as detailed by Zoological Survey of India. 5. Tiger reserves as viewed by Director, Project Tiger indicating some problems and prospects. III. Sustainability and ecodevelopment study in Buxa Tiger Reserve (a protected area): 6. Ecodevelopment and sustainability study in protected areas. 7. Nature education and awareness. IV. Improved protected area management in Buxa Tiger Reserve: 8. Background information. 9. Vegetation: qualitative data. 10. Vegetation: quantitative data. 11. Check-list on fauna, predator-prey relationship, man-animal conflict and endangered species. 12. Values of forests. V. Improved protected area management in Buxa Tiger Reserve: 13. Problems, threats, biodiversity loss and broad remedial measures. VI. Guidelines and recommendations: 14. Guidelines for management plan and sustainability of Buxa Tiger Reserve. Bibliography. Index.
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