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Comprehensive and detailed textbook, which looks at the subject from a genetic viewpoint and with an evolutionary perspective. It examines how bacteria survive, adapt and reproduce, looking at the genetic machinery involved. There are further sections on issues such as diversification, mutation and genetic instability.
Part 1: Structure of the Genetic Material; The Prokaryotes: a rapid presentation; Bacteria] Chromosomes: structure and function; Other Autonomously Replicating Genetic Entities: the plasmid's; Other Autonomous Genetic Elements: the bacteriophages-, Transposable Elements; Protection of DNA integrity: DNA methylabon - the modification L/resuicbon systems; Part 2: Modification of the Generic Material; Mutations and Mutants; DNA Repair; Homologous Generic Recombination; Genetic Transfer: transformation; Genetic Transfer: conjugation; Other Transfer Systems: natural and artificial; generics with Transposons; Part 3: Generics as Tools to Understand Genetic Organization and Function; Construction of Genetic Maps; Genetic as a Tool in Understanding Gene Expression and its Control: the operon model "; genetics as a Tool in Unravelling Molecular Organization of Gene Function; Glossary.
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