About this book
Features new research from different excavation sites around Indonesia together with pioneering expert analysis. Groundbreaking new theories on early colonization feature alongside a thorough and up-to-date examination of field methods and techniques, and valuable insight into human development in Indonesia and beyond.
Focused on Java and Sulawesi, these research findings highlight important recent advances in quaternary research. Results from a cave excavation in Southern Java provide a much-needed long-term palaeoclimatic record, based on a lowland pollen sequence from Central Java, while the contributions from South Sulawesi include a pioneering archaeobotanical analysis, a new hypothesis on the earliest human colonisation of this island, and an attempt to reconstruct preceramic human biological population affinities.
In addition, the little-known archaeology of the tiny island of Roti is presented and discussed here, with particular attention on prehistoric survival in an impoverished island environment.
1. Quaternary Research in Indonesia: Introduction Susan G.Keates & Juliette M.Pasveer 2. New insight on the prehistoric chronology of Gunung Sewu, Jave, Indonesia H.Truman Simanjuntak 3. The cervids from the Ngebung site ('Kabuh' series, Sangiran Dome, Central Java) and their biostratigraphical significance Anne-Marie Moigne, Rokhus Due Awe, Francois Semah & Anne-Marie Semah 4. The significance of the Punung karstic area (eastern Java) for the chronology of the Javanese Paleolithic, with special reference to the Song Terus cave Francois Semah, Anne-Marie Semah, Christine Flagueres, Florent Detroit, Xavier Gallet, Sebastian Hameau, Anne-Marie Moigne & H.Truman Simanjuntak 5. A Late Pleistocene and Holocene sedimentary record in Central Java and its palaeoclimatic significance Anne-Marie Semah, Francois Semah, Rachid Moudrikah, Francois Frohlich & Tony Djubiantono 6. AMS radiocarbon dates on bone from cave sites in southeast Java, Indonesia, including Wajak Richard Shutler Jr, John M.Head, Douglas J.Donahue, A.J. Timothy Jull, Mike F.Barbetti, Shuji Matsu'ura, john de Vos & Paul Storm 7. Notes on the Palaeolithic finds from the Walanae valley, southwest Sulawesi, in the context of the Late Pleistocene of Island Southeast Asia Susan G.Keates 8. Leang Sakapao 1, a second dated Pleistocene site from South Sulawesi, Indonesia David Bulbeck, Iwan Sumantri & Peter Hiscock 9. Divided in space, united in time: The Holocene prehistory of South Sulawesi David Bulbeck 10. Late Quaternary faunal successions in South Sulawesi, Indonesia Allison Simons & David Bulbeck 11. Of nuts, seeds and tubers: The archaeobotanical evidence from Leang Burung 1 Victor J.Paz 12. South Sulawesi in the corridor of island populations along South Asia's Pacific rim David Bulbeck 13. Manuel Pinto's inland sea: Using palaeoenvironmental techniques to assesshistorical evidence from southwest Sulawesi Ian Caldwell & Malcolm Lillie 14. The bone industry of Ulu Leang 1 and Leang Burung 1 rockshelters, Sulawesi, Indonesia, in its regional context Sandra L.Olsen & Ian C.Glover 15. Prehistoric bone artefacts from the northern Moluccas, Indonesia Juliette M.PAsveer & Peter Bellwood 16. Pia Hudale Rockshelter: A terminal Pleistocene occupation site on Roti Island, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia Mahirta, Ken P.Aplin, David Bulbeck, Walter E.Boles & Peter Bellwood
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