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Explores the extent to which the challenges facing stated preference environmental valuation can be overcome through mixing methods. This work considers two approaches: mixing methods within conventional stated preference; and then explore the use of group methods within preference construction and forming a social consensus on willingness to pay.
Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Need for Public Consultation and Stated Preference 3. Stated Preference: Methods and Challenges 4. Qualitative Methods 5. Interpreting stated preference responses 6. Investigating Sensitivity to Scope 7. Constructing Better Preferences? 8. Communal Nature of Stated Preference 9. Evaluating and Redesigning Stated Preference
Customer Reviews
By: A Neil Powe
208 pages
'In an area where feelings often run high, the author has produced a judicious assessment of the challenges to placing a value on environmental "goods" without a clear market value. Thoughtfully written, Redesigning Environmental Valuation draws on research from multiple disciplines, in creating a rigorous, nuanced approach to ensuring that important consequences are not neglected. In so doing, it shows the way toward integrative social sciences.' - Baruch Fischhoff, Carnegie Mellon University, US 'This excellent book will reinvigorate interest in environmental valuation by economists and other social scientists. Its focus is clear - it highlights the challenges that face valuation researchers and describes new and better ways of estimating values for the environment by drawing on methods that have evolved in other disciplines. A must read for all researchers interested in environmental valuation.' - Douglas C. MacMillan, University of Kent, UK