Proceedings of a NATO ASI held in Quebec, Montreal, August 1991.
- Terminology in Biological Rhythms; M.A. Ali, et al.
- Introduction to the Analysis of Periodic Phenomena; P. Legendre, P. Dutilleul
- Biological Rhythms; M.P. Gerkema
- Behavior and Rhythms in Fishes; D.L.G. Noakes
- Ultradian Rhythms in Fishes; R.C. Peters, R.J. Veeneklaas
- Tidally-Synchronised Behavior in Marine Fishes; R.N. Gibson
- Lunar and Semi-Lunar Rhythms in Fishes; J.F. Leatherland, et al.
- Circadian Basis for Neuroendocrine Regulation; A.H. Meier
- Sleep, Inactivity, and Circadian Rhythms in Fish; S. Reebs
- Feeding-Entrained Circadian Rhythms in Fishes; R.E. Spieler
- Melatonin Rhythms in the Pineal Organ of Fishes and its Effects; A. Zachmann, et al.
- Regulation of the Rhythmic Melatonin Secretion by Fish Pineal Photoreceptor Cells; J. Falcon, et al.
- The Rainbow Trout Pineal Organ; W.A. Gern, et al.
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