Small Cetaceans of Japan summarizes and analyzes the biology, ecology, exploitation and management of small cetaceans in Japan. It describes the various types of cetacean fisheries in Japan and their historical development, the life histories and ecologies of the main species involved, and the history and problems of conservation and management. The data show that in some cases the takes and quotas have been in excess of sustainable limits and have led to depletion of populations. Small Cetaceans of Japan provides a case study of what can go wrong when the needs of industry and conservation collide. The descriptions of life history and ecology are relevant to issues of conservation and management around the world.
Introduction: Whales, Dolphins and Men
Section 1: History of Japanese Cetacean Fisheries
Chapter 1. Outline of History of Small-Cetacean Fisheries
Chapter 2. Handharpoon Fishery for Dolphins and Porpoises
Chapter 3. Drive Fisheries for Dolphins
Chapter 4. Small-type Whaling
Chapter 5. Management of Cetacean Fisheries in Japan
Chapter 6. Regulation of Fisheries for Dolphins and Porpoises
Chapter 7. Moving Toward the End of Commercial Whaling
Section 2: Biology
Chapter 8. Finless Porpoise
Chapter 9. Dall’s Porpoise
Chapter 10. Striped Dolphin
Chapter 11. Bottlenose Dolphins
Chapter 12. Short-finned Pilot Whale
Chapter 13. Baird’s Beaked Whale
Chapter 14. Pacific White-sided Dolphin
Chapter 15. Cetacean Conservation and Biologists
Appendix A. Fisheries Agency Notifications on Cetacean Management
Appendix B. List of Cetacean Species Known from Japanese Waters
Dr Toshio Kasuya graduated in 1961 from the Division of Fisheries, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tokyo, and obtained his Doctorate in Agriculture from the University of Tokyo in 1972. Dr Kasuya had a long career in many prestigious Japanese institutions related to fisheries and marine mammals conservation and management. From April 1961 to March 1966, he was a researcher at the Japanese Whales Research Institute. In April 1966 he joined the Ocean Research Institute at the University of Tokyo, where he was a Research Associate until March 1983. In April 1983 he joined the Far Seas Fisheries Research Laboratory of the Japanese Fisheries Agency where he exercised as Project Leader and later until March 1997 as Division Director. From April 1997 to March 2001, Dr Kasuya has been a Professor at the Faculty of Bioresources, Mie University, and from April 2001 to March 2006 a Professor at the Division of Animal Sciences, Teikyo University of Science and Technology.